Google Classroom

Click on the button below to go to our Google Classroom!

Google Classroom:

All 4th and 5th grade students have successfully logged in and joined our Google Classroom. We did this in class, so I could walk students through the general procedure and introduce them to the format of Google Classroom. Your student has their own individual email address and password that will be used to access their Google Classroom. This is located in the front of your child’s binder on a laminated sheet that contains all of their usernames and passwords for this year. You may need to “add an account” if you currently have Google accounts under a different name. Siblings will need to have their own account to get into their specific classroom. Your personal account will not work within our Google Classroom. Only the assigned individuals have access to get into our online learning environment. Our goal is to have your student join their Google Classroom by Friday, October 9th.

To join your student’s Google Classroom, please follow the following instructions:

  1. Open the internet browser.

  2. Type in “Google Classroom” or use this link:

  3. If prompted, push the “Get Started” button OR If you have a gmail account you will need to choose “use another account”.

  4. Sign in using the email and password from your child’s (4th and 5th grade) laminated sheet in their binders. You may need click to accept terms/conditions.

  5. If all goes well your child will now be logged into their Google Classroom.

  6. If you have technical issues please contact me via email for assistance!