Saint mark School Music

September 8th

Welcome back everyone! And if you are new to Saint Mark School my name is Mr. Crounse and I am your new music teacher. I am very excited to get back to school, and the challenges we will face together during this school year.

Some of the challenges include omitting number of activities that we would in a normal year do together. This includes singing which is a very large and important part of our early curriculum and playing recorder in person. So I will need all of you to be signed up for my google classrooms that will have links to recordings. The older students will face similar challenges as I will be traveling to their homerooms which prohibits the use of many instruments. But these are the measures we must take and the sacrifices we must make to stay safe.

This site is here to provide a road map for all of the resources and activities necessary for a successful school year. So make sure you check it at least once a week.

Shortly I should be able to list my google classroom codes here. You will use the the code to join your specific classroom. We just have to double check the configuration of our Gsuite for education to make sure it's private, and only accessible by members of our community (domain).

K-2 Join using code bkjau3g

3+4 Join using code frumaoq

5+6 join using code wjcdfbw

7+8 join using code v62w263

My Wednesday office hours start at 1pm and will go though the end of the day.

God Bless,

Mr. Crounse