4th Class Portfolios

World Book Day ✍

On the 4th of March we celebrated World Book Day in St. Mark's Senior National School. This day is a chance to celebrate everything to do with literature and reading.

Children in 4th class got creative with toilet rolls in art, creating their favourite characters from their favourtie books, and also created projects about their favourite authors. Check out some of their fantastic work below.

Ciarán D⇧ Nicole C⇩

Project by Justin L

Abigail B

Art by Lauren L.D

Project by Abigail B

Science ✨

Grouping Materials

Pupils studied different materials this week; fabric, metal, plastic and glass. They grouped different items in their homes by material properties. Check out their work below!

Jayden M ⇧ Sarah H⇩

Jessica R

Spring 🌸

This week, children in 4th class created some beautiful landscape drawings around the theme of Spring. Pupils specifically concentrated on elements such as line and form in their pieces of art.

Joshua McG ⇧ Oliver K⇩

Art by Ryan D

Art by Callum M

Art by Josh G

Art by Nicole C

Pancake Tuesday

Pancake Tuesday was celebrated last week on the 16th of February. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday. It is one of the oldest festivals of the Christian Church. It is celebrated to highlight the beginning of Lent which is on Ash Wednesday.

In the past, families would prepare to fast by using as many ingredients in their kitchen as possilble. These ingredients often included eggs, milk and flour - everything you need to make a delicious pancake.

Children in 4th class created pieces of procedural writing based on making pancakes and also drew some very creative stacks of pancakes. Check out their work below!

Art by Grace D

Procedural Writing by Sophia D

Procedural Writing by Emma R

Abigail B ⇧ Ryan G

Chinese New Year 🥳

The Chinese New Year was celebrated last week, the 12th of February. This year was the year of the ox. It is believed that people who are born during the year of the ox will be loyal, determined, strong and reliable.

There are 12 animals of the zodiac and they occur on a 12 year cycle. The animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

If last year was the year of the rat and this year was the year of the ox, can you guess what 2022 will be?

Children in 4th class created Fact Files about China. Check them out below.

Rusne P ⇧ Ryan D ⇩

Fact File by Emma R

Fantastic Fact File created by Anam N

Saint Valentine ✟

Saint Valentine, the parton saint of love and marriage, was celebrated all over the world last week on the 14th of February. The children in 4th class learnt about St. Valentine, wrote poems about why St. Valentine's Day was their favourite day and some even designed Valentines cards. 💕

Poem by Jayden M

Valentines card designed by Heidi K

Holly B Jessica R ⇩

Poem by Abigail B

Poem by Xheims Q

Poem by Callum M

Saint Brigid's Day ✟ and Spring 🌸

Last week, the children in 4th class read about St. Brigid and how we commemorate St. Brigid's Day to celebrate the return of spring. The classes wrote acrostic poems about Spring and drew pictures of St. Brigid too.

Poem by Jayden M

Art by Aaron W

Poem by Liam D

Poem by Ryan D

Art By Ryan F

Poem by Josh G

Virtual Art by Emma R

Poem by Holly B

Poem by Christopher M

Poem by Alvee M

Art by Abigail B

Medieval Kilkenny ⚔️

Children in 4th class dived into the world of 13th century Kilkenny last week. They designed some fantasic artwork of medieval castles and created their own fact files on Medieval Kilkenny. Check out their amazing work below

Fact File by Abigail B

Medieval Castle created by Jayden M

Art by Ciaran F

Art by Grace D

Art by Anam N

Fact file by Ronan K

Art by Lily Mae C

Fact File by Justin L

Fact file by Jessica R Art by Christopher M ⇨

Art by Laura G

This fact file was created by Nicole C.

We hope you enjoyed exploring Medieval Kilkenny with us through art and history. ⚔️

Catholic Schools Week ✟

Catholic Schools Week 2021 was celebrated this year from Sunday 24th of January to Sunday 31st of January.

The theme for this years Catholic School Week was Faith and Resilience.

It is very important that we remind ourselves on a daily basis what we are thankful for. Check out the Thankful Wall that some children in Ms. Long's class created last week.

Combining Maths 📊 and Art


4th class were working on patterns in maths this week. A pattern is a sequence that repeats itself. We can have shape patterns and number patterns. Children worked on their patterns using their Mathemagic books and also used Mathletics which is a fantastic, engaging online maths programme that all classes in the school use.

Patterns in Art

Below you will see how the children used their knowledge of patterns in maths to create art using repeated sequences.

Grace Dunne

Jayden Maher

Katie Murphy

Max McLaughlin

Transport in Geography 📚 and Art

4th class have been researching and comparing the different modes of transport. These include cars, bikes, trains and many more. First, they compared pictures of transport that were old and new. They then chose their favourite one and wrote a fact file about that mode of transport. Check out some great pieces of work below.

Fact File on trains by Anam Nisar

Fact File on cars by Joshua McGuiness and Anakha Joseph

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓸 𝔀𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓾𝓼 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝔀....

Pupils in 4th class used this video to help them draw differemt modes of transport! Look at the amazing examples of the work below ⇩

Art by Anam Nisar

Art by Abigail Byrne

Art by Nicole Cam

This week 4th class were examining Diamante Poems as part of our poetry learning. A Diamante poem is a pattern style poem that consists of seven lines and each line contains certain types of words. Check out these brilliant poems written by Shahd and Hanna in 4th class.

Learning about Data

Scott in Ms. Hornibrook's class used Excel to create a fantastic bar chart.

Data is information

Selena in Ms. Coughlan's class spent time creating this excellent bar chart.

Tutankhamen projects

This week 4th class were exploring the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. We explored how they lived, their cultures and traditions, what they ate and what activities they did. We also explored the lives of some of the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs , such as Tutankhamen. This image was taken from a slideshow completed by Junaynah in Ms. Dunne's class.

Ellen (Ms. Coughlan)

Alannah (Ms. Dunne)

Thomas (Ms. Hornibrook)

Troy (Mr. Daly)

This is a short story written by Kayla Rose Duffy in Mr. Daly's class.

The Night Thieves by Kayla Rose Duffy

Every night, when the city sleeps, they come out of hiding. Their home is far below the city, and during the day when the city is alive with activity like a hive of busy bees they spend their time planning and plotting their next job. You see, during the night, when they think nobody will see them (they are exceptionally small) they sneak around above ground. They take things. Valuable things. Have you ever had something go missing and wondered where it has gone? You may have just found the reason why! Tonight is no different. They are on their way to make a small fortune.

Through the cold city streets of Dublin, the unknown creatures that rob the streets in the dark had planned to steal from the richest man in town. Everyone knew he had the biggest royal jewel. While everyone slept safely in their warm beds, they got into their van and made their way to the rich man's mansion just behind the big church off Grafton Street. They snuck under his gate and crawled up to the family house and using grapplers, they pulled themselves up to a window.

The window led to the rich man's little girls bedroom. They snuck past her and made it into the hallway. In the hallway there was a laser beam so the cleverest of the pack ducked under all of the bright beams one by one and turned them all off at the settings in seconds.

The safe was in the room next to them but when they walked in they saw a black cat snoring in his big comfy “throne-like” bed beside the safe. The creatures tried to creep past him but “BANG”!!! He was awake and hissing at them. One of the creatures dropped their hammer. They argued for a minute before being chased across the room. Then suddenly the littlest of the creatures remembered they had a net so together they threw it over the cat using a catapult and trapped the little beast inside.

The math loving creature created a code unlocking gadget, so he put it on the safe door and “CREEEEAAAAKK”, the safe door opened. They took the jewel, raced home and were never to be heard of again. If you were wondering what the creatures are called, they’re called the SNATCHERS!


Aaron's in Ms. Dunne's class had been looking at different types of materials that he is able to find at home. Check out all the various materials made from plastic that he was able to find.


Emma in Mr. Daly's class did a great job at classifying the different materials. Emma explored how materials can be classified as liquids, solids and gases.

Project work

Jamie-Anne in Ms. Dunne's class made an excellent slideshow on the various materials she was able to find at home. The boys and girls in 4th class have been practicing making Google slides over the past number of weeks and the results have been fantastic.

May is the month of Mary

During the month of May, We create May alters in honour of Mary. During the month of May, we ask Mary to bless our families and friends, that they may be safe and healthy and enjoy their time together. This week, 4th class made some of their own May alters. Check out their amazing work.

May alter poster by Mari (Ms. Dunne)

Freya's May alter

(Mr. Daly)

Sophie's May alter

(Mr. Daly)

Cecilia's Well-being acrostic poem

(Ms. Dunne)

Francis Ronald project by Hanna in Mr. Daly's 4th class

Another great week in 4th class

This week, the boys and girls in 4th class were exploring the world of communications. We explored how lighthouses are used to communicate with boats and ships, and the pupils designed lighthouses as part of our art work this week. The boys and girls also made mini projects on famous inventors this week. Pupils made slideshows and posters of famous inventors and there contributions to society.

Mari's lighthouse

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet project by Aida

Patryk's lighthouse

Thomas Edison project by Caleb

Ananya R.

This week 4th class were exploring the life of Florence Nightingale in History. Florence Nightingale lived during the 19th century and was famous for her work as a nurse during the Crimean War. This is a slide made by Ananya in Mr. Daly's 4th class all about the life of Florence Nightingale.

Cian F.

The boys and girls in 4th class spent a lot of time completing projects about the life of Florence Nightingale. Pupils completed slideshows, posters and fact files, like the one shown above which was completed by Cian in Ms. Hornibrook's 4th class.

Renewable energy

This week 4th class were exploring the various sources of renewable and non-renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished and will never run out. Examples of renewable energy sources are sunlight, wind, rain, water and waves, and geothermal heat.

Wind turbines

A wind turbine, or alternatively referred to as a wind energy converter, is a device that converts the wind's kinetic energy into electrical energy .

Check out these awesome wind turbines, made by pupil's from Mr. Daly's Class, using household materials.

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are natural sources such as coal, oil and gas, and are used to produce energy. Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy and the burning of these fossil fuels can be harmful to the environment. Fossil fuels are naturally found in the earth and are not in endless supply. Therefore it is important that we explore methods of generating energy using renewable sources of energy, as these will never run out and are better for the environment

In this online game, pupils match the written time in words with an interactive clock face.

A syllable is a part of a word pronounced as a unit. It is usually made up of a vowel alone or a vowel with one or more consonants. The word "Haiku" has two syllables: Hai-ku; the word "introduction" has four syllables: in-tro-duc-tion.

"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.

Here's a Haiku to help you remember:

I am first with five

Then seven in the middle --

Five again to end.

Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognizable to the reader. Animals and seasons are examples of recognizable topics children might enjoy exploring.

Learn more about how to write Haikus https://www.kidzone.ws/poetry/haiku.htm

We are looking at trees this week and trying to see if we can draw them in out drawing pads. Try it yourself and look carefully at the images above for ideas.

We have given you a further link to explore and get even more ideas that you can show us how good you are at drawing trees.

Brain Teasers

We had great fun working on the Brain Teasers that our teacher gave us at home today. Here you can see I took a photo of the work I did and uploaded to my Google Classroom

Today we wrote a prayer for all the people in hospital, their families, the doctors, the nurses and all the health care workers

Keeping Safe at Home

We have to remember to do the following to keep safe at home

Wash our hands properly and often.

Cover our mouths and noses with a tissue or sleeve when we cough and sneeze.

Put used tissues into a bin and wash our hands.

Clean our work areas at home like when we were in school.

Stay safe and be helpful at home.

Can you name these places in Tallaght? You can swap the letters to spell the right names in your copies.

She Tquera

Hosght Tallapital

Rovrock Shamers

Clubfire Hell

See what is going on in the African Savanna in Dublin Zoo today click on your link below https://www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/african-savanna/