3rd Class Portfolios

Science: Making Parachutes!

3rd class were given the task of making and testing their own parachute. We are blown away by the response from the children - have a look at some of their amazing work below!

Mason C.

Codey K.

Shane L.

Alex K.

Aydin J.M.

Sienna T.

Clodagh M.

Daria A.

Julia S.

Jacob G.

Jayden F.

Matthew K.P.

Mia O'D.

Zach B.

Lexi C.

Matas P.

Art: Happy Valentine's Day!

Love was in the air for 3rd class working at home last week. Check out the fabulous Valentine's art sent in over the weekend! Keep up the wonderful work guys!

Lexi C.

Zach B.

Deyala T.

Szymon S.

Alex K.

Clodagh M.

Olga B.

Eimear E.

Yuvraj L.

Julia S.

Music: All About The Beatles!

This week 3rd class have been taking a trip to the past and learning all about the Beatles! One task was to rate a range of songs out of 10. Scroll down to check out the children's responses!

Daria A.

Julia S. D.

Szymon S.

Zach B.

Get your drawing materials setup and enjoy!

Saoirse M.

Fancy a challenge? Get your brains switched on and give the following activities a shot!

Gaeilge: Sa Bhaile (At Home)

Féach ar na stór-focail nua a d'fhoglaim na páistí an tseachtain seo caite

Look at all of the new vocabulary the children learned last week!

Saoirse M.

Matas P.

Luka L.

Féach ar ár fóclóir nua anseo:

Check out our new vocabulary below:

Art: Andy Warhol Pop Art

This video below will tell you all about Andy Warhol's work:

Daria Andree Atanasoaie

Tia Priya Mulraney

Have a look at what 3rd class have been working on this week!

Callum Mulligan Reilly

Clodagh Mc Carthy

Science: Simple Machines

3rd class spent last week exploring simple machines and how they work for science. They learned all about the workings of mechanisms such as pulleys and levers and spent the week designing and creating their own machines. Check out the fantastic work below!

Robyn Murphy Mooney

Robyn Murphy Mooney Science lever.mp4

Mia O'Donovan

Callum Mulligan Reilly

Check out this video below to learn more about simple machines!

Art: Pablo Picasso

Have a look at all of the fantastic Picasso art completed by our 3rd class children this week!

Olga Berezhnaya

Fancy a challenge? Why not take some paper, grab some drawing materials and try replicate some of Picasso's work!

Julia Safenelli De Lima

Chloe Kinsella

Eimear Whelan

Zach Byrne

Geography: All About Tallaght!

This week our 3rd class boys and girls were given the task of completing projects researching lots of information on Tallaght. Some children used scrapbooks and posters, others used Google Slides and one child even made a video in news report style with a voice over included. Check out all of the work below and you'll definitely be convinced to visit Tallaght!

Matthew Kennedy Poynton

Matas Pocevicius

Eimear Eagers

Alex Karbowy

Anaya Greta Mathew

Anwar Daahir

Szymon Sowinski

Active Schools Week

This week we are celebrating Active School Week in St Marks School. We are encouraging students, staff members and parents to get up and move....

What have the 3rd Class Teachers been up to this week?

I have really been enjoying active week this week. Every day I do one of the Joe Wicks workouts. He is so exciting and really motivates you to complete the workout. On Tuesday, I competed the walk to the Hellfire Club. It was so nice to be outside in the fresh air. The views over Dublin were amazing. I think I spotted the Square from up there. When I was up there I had a little picnic while looking at all the beautiful scenery. It’s really important to keep active and get some fresh air every day.

Miss Long

Every morning, I do the PE with Joe workout which is a great way to get the day rolling.

I recently bought a new road bike, so I have been cycling around my neighbourhood every day. I have also been making a conscious effort to get my 10,000 steps a day by walking to the shops instead of driving.

Miss Higgins

Today, the first day of our virtual Active Week, I got off to a good start. I started my morning with a Yoga Inferno workout using my newest fitness app. I then went for a 6km walk in the lovely sunny weather with a friend. I finished off the day outside by doing some flexibility stretches on a yoga mat in my garden.

Miss Somers

I spent my Sports week being as active as I could. One day, I woke up in the morning and took my dog Suzie for a short walk. When we got home, I did some socially distanced Just Dance with my little cousins. To end the day, I did my first ever run of 5km. I was very proud of myself.

Miss O'Leary

Hi everyone, Ms. Murray here. I hope you are all enjoying being active for Active Week.

I have tried to be more active today and get my steps up! I started off the day by going for a walk in the woods with my dog Annie. It was a 5km loop so I got about 5000 steps. I am lucky that I live near the sea here in Clare. As the weather was so sunny here today, I went for a swim in the sea in Kilkee. It was freezing at the start but then it warmed up. I am hoping to continue to exercise every day this week and take part in some of our class challenges myself too! Enjoy the rest of Active Week!

Miss Murray

Creative Writing...... Animal Town

This week the 3rd class students were given a story starter and encouraged to continue the story. I think you will be very impressed by all the writing that the students shared with us this week...... We hope you enjoy reading all about Animal Town!

Animal Town

Nicole Cam

Hi I’m Nicole and I am visiting an animal town.When I first arrived at Animal Town,I immediately knew that this town was going to be crazy.I couldn’t believe it that I was in a Town full of animals as if it was a normal thing,IT FELT LIKE A DIFFERENT WORLD TO ME!! For breakfast I eat cooked meat and for lunch,I have grass and fruit but I put the grass in the bin. For dinner I have meat and vegetables.Today I am going out to make friends ok let's go “hmm where should I go first?” I just remembered that I saw a poster of a free dance workshop for animals and people who want to dance and learn! “Yay!Now I can make new friends!” I whispered to myself excitedly.I took a taxi and the taxi driver was a zebra,I was laughing like really crazy.I asked what his name was and he said his name was Den, and then I said my name is Nicole and I asked can we be friends and he said…

“YESSS and I am so happy I made my first friend.”He dropped me off the dance class and I said “Thank you” I said happily.

“No problem” replied Den and off I went to dance class.When I entered the dance class I saw wonderful hippos and I saw belly dancing crickets,then the dance teacher came up to me and told me “Get your hips MOVING!!”

So I got to the back row and I started dancing I saw the crickets on mini chairs,then I saw a shy hippo and I asked nicely and politely was she okay and she said “Yes thank you and we started talking and dancing when dance class was over she asked nicely if we could be friends and I said of course.The Nosey and mean Hippo said she was better at dancing but we ignored her and walked home.I saw a hospital and I saw a doctor that was a crocodile and he waved at me and said “Hi” and I casually said hi back then I walked away.After that I saw met neighbour and it was an elephant called Ellie and she said “Do you want to be best friends.”

“I want to make as many friends as I can so YES OF COURSE I WILL!”

Sadly everything was coming to an end but I was just getting used to this odd but amazing and interesting place,in the next week I was going to leave.All my friends from animal town surprised me with a farewell party at the park before I left and I was so happy that I was smiling too much and I felt my face was going to break but I told them I might visit again and they were SUPER HAPPY and cheered!I was thinking that I would not like the animals in Animal town but they are super kind and funny,I learnt to not judge animals and to get to know them more before saying negative things about them.

Written by :Nicole Cam (3rd Class)

Josh Gilson

Once upon a time in Animal Town there was big excitement throughout the town. The reason why there was lots of excitement was because there was a new animal coming to live in the town. The new animal was Timba the Tiger. He is moving into the jungle housing estate. Once Timba is all moved in he will start his new job. Timba is going to be the new chief of police in Animal Town. He is very good at his job because he is very scary. All the animals in town will know not to break any rules. Even though he is a very scary looking tiger on the inside Timba is a big fluffy kind tiger that loves having parties with friends.

On Timba’s first day in his new job he was very nervous for two reasons. One of them is that this is his first time working with the police and he wants to be the best chief that animal town has d had. The other reason was because he wanted to make friends with all the police officers which is a hard for him as he is very large with bright orange and dark stripes and a large scar across his eye. Timba went inside.

When Timba walks in it was very quiet. The reason why it was like that was because they were all staring at him. It's made Timba feel very shy. Timba then goes to his office in the police station and two police officers go with him. Hi said Timba I'm your new chief. Hi there I'm Brien bear and this is Elliott elephant we are the deputy chief Brian bear said nervously. Hi there guys I was hoping we could a have a party at my new house so I can get to know each one of you. Okay we will tell everyone in the station. Great I will see you all there said Timba.

Every one decided to go to Timba’s party. The party started at nine. On their way to the house the officers were very scared as they do not know how it will go on. They knocked on the door and Timba let them in. Timba’s house looked very big. The place was covered in nice stuff. There were very cosy looking chairs and lots of lovely looking food on the table. Timba brought out his Karaoke machine and they all sang songs song like old town road, believer and immortal. When the party was over Timba gave each one of the officers a sweater and a pair of gloves. The officers after partying with Timba thought he was very nice and funny and now they are all friends.

The end.

Holly Brennan

One day I went to an animal town. I saw a gorilla sitting on a bench. I thought it was very funny. A zebra was crossing the road. I was confused. The most unusual thing was that a giraffe was in a van with a lion, bird and a bear. Some meerkats were on the grass. I can see why they call it animal town. I have never been to a town like this .This town is very funny. I would give this town 5 stars. Next time I am going to bring my Mum. I recommend going to this place if you like animals.

Max McLaughlin

One day Ted was bored because he saw every country so then he went to look for weird places then he found a place called animal town and he didn't even read the page about animal town. He just booked a flight to the country and then he was going to order a taxi and then walk.

When Ted arrived at Animal Town he wanted to check out the attractions so he waited at a bus stop. When somebody else came to the bus stop he looked at him and saw a tiger run towards him, Ted looked away and tried to scream but couldn't. He waited 5 seconds then to his surprise the tiger just sat down on a seat then the bus arrived and he saw a gorilla driving the bus and then when he got on the bus there were loads of animals dressed in work suits then ted sat down for the bus journey and got off of the bus . Then ted walked to a carnival and along the way he saw an elephant working as a builder, a monkey working as a security guard, and a rhinoceros working in an office. When he arrived at the carnival he saw a penguin working the ferris wheel. He only saw a ferris wheel so he got on the ferris wheel and the ferris wheel went very very high. When he got to the top he could see all of the stuff that was in Animal Town.

After he got off the ferris wheel he went to rent a house and to his luck the house was free to rent! Ted then went to the shop to buy some food and then saw a monkey working as a shopkeeper but at this point he wouldn't be shocked to see an orangutan robbing a bank with a zebra. When Ted arrived at his house he rented he cooked pasta, spaghetti and meatballs. After he ate his spaghetti and meatballs he went to bed. When he went to bed he could hear loud music so he looked out the window and saw loads of animals having a party, Ted couldn't get any sleep so he decided to join the party where they sang songs played games and ate plenty of food ...When the party was over here went to bed and could finally sleep . The next day Ted went home and promised all of the animals that he would come back next year


Adam Parratt

I am a bird. I am known as a Robin. I have a red breast. I am a footballer. I play for the local team. I train 5 times a week and I play a match at the weekends. I am a good right wing.

Sophia Dowling Mc Keown

As soon as I got off the bus I saw a Flamingo directing traffic but that wasn't the craziest thing I saw that day!

When I went to check what was going on in the sheriff office , the officer was a lion and then a monkey walked in with a pram and a baby monkey crying so then I started to think that this wasn’t a normal town. Then I realized the name was Animal Town, that's why there’s only animals. I thought I was going crazy for a second then there was an armadillo and a baby armadillo eating an ice cream. Next I went to the diner for some lunch and the owner was a hippopotamus, she made the best pancakes I've ever tasted.

After I finished eating I checked in to my hotel. The wonderful Mrs Giraffe showed me to my room and it was beautiful and I even got my own hedgehog concierge .I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Peniel Tambu

I am a tiger and living in animal town is amazing. I work there as a baker and I make the most delicious cakes. Wait until you taste the blueberry pie and you'll see, you just wait and see.

I also have a few friends. Debby the zebra is one of them and she works as a builder with Ella the elephant. During our festivals many of our human friends come to visit us. Animals learn more about humans while humans learn more about animals then we have a feast with lots of delicious food that I make myself .

After that the mayor of animal town which is Mayor McCluccles (he is a chicken) gives a speech. After the speech we all go to bed and the humans go home. And that's the end of the day.

Ronan Kelly

This is my first day living in animal town and when I arrived on the bus I couldn't believe my eyes. There were elephants directing traffic rhinos as police and orangutans selling food. It was amazing. Since I didn’t have a job I went to the police station to see if I could join the force. After all, I am a rhino so I should be able to join easily. I walked up and asked if I could join and they said yes. I was soooooo happy. Now I have a job I can go get food for me and my family.

So I got in my car and went down to the shop to buy some stuff for my new house. When I got there I got out of my car and went into the shop. I bought some food, some water and some new clothes for all of us. I went up to the cashier and gave him all my stuff. He scanned all of it and he told me how much it was. I paid and then got into my car. It was starting to get dark so I went home and made dinner. It was so nice that I had more.

After dinner I put my kids to bed and then I went to bed because I was going to start my new job tomorrow. I woke up, made breakfast and left for work. When I got there I was given my uniform so I went and put it on. When I had put on my uniform my boss showed me where my desk was and he gave me some cases to do. I was sitting at my desk when I was told to go to a car crash. Me and my partner got up and left. When we arrived we found out nobody was injured but the cars were completely destroyed and then I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw my wife, she was in the car crash. Once I knew she was okay I got her to go home and I told her I would be home soon. So I went back to my office, finished up and headed home. When I got home I told my kids all about my first day and we lived happily ever after THE END.


This week the children continued to extend their knowledge and interest in all things space related. Check out this cool video that taught our 3rd class students how to draw an astronaut. The children also listened to music that described the first man landing on the moon!

Max Miss Somers

Olivia Miss O'Leary

Aaron from Miss Higgins class made this fantastic constellation cup!

Ciara Ogier Responding to Music

Nicole Miss Somers

Jayden responding to music

Josh Miss Murray Constellation Cup

Alicja Miss Long

Jayden Miss O'Leary

Laura Miss Murray

Pietro Miss Murray

Art - Solar Systems

Anam Miss Higgins

Joshua Miss Long

Beatrice Miss Murray

Nicole Miss Somers

Gunjan Miss Long

Jayden Miss O'Leary

Lily Mae Miss Long

Aaron Wall Miss Long

Xheims Miss Long

Science - Constellations and the Solar System

This week in science we read all about constellations. A constellation is a group of visible stars that form a pattern when viewed from Earth. The pattern they form may take the shape of an animal, a mythological creature, a man, a woman, or an inanimate object such as a microscope, a compass, or a crown. Click below to see some examples of constellations.

Maths - Length

This week we have been learning about Length in maths. Length is a measure of how high, long or wide something is. Length can be measured in many different units such as lollipop sticks, cubes, hands... In Ireland our standardised unit of measurement is the metric system.

Give these challenge cards a go!


Penguin by Ignas

Butterfly by Christopher Maguire McGovern

Shape Art by Aaron Wall

Shape Art by Grace Dunne

Rocket by Emma Petkute

Fish by James Qepi

Shape Art by Olivia Miss O'Leary

Butterfly by Nicole Cam

Chair by Ronan Kelly

Shape Art by Ciara Ogier

Shape Art by Jessica Roache

Colouring by Lily Mae Cummins

Ship by Rudra Yadav

Shape Art by Nicole Cam


Click below to listen to this lovely poem we have learnt this week

Copy It Down!!

Even though we are not in school our copies are still getting a proper workout!

Peniel Tambu

Miss Murray's Class

Ryan Ferris

Miss O'Leary's Class

Annabel Darby

Miss Long's Class

James Qepi

Miss Long's Class


This week in maths 3rd class were learning all about the properties of 3D shapes.


Can you name the 3D shape of these everyday items?

3D Shape Hunt

See what 3D shapes you can find around your house. Test your parents and see if they can name them all!


Christopher Colombus

1451 - 1506

This week we are learning all about Christopher Colombus in History. Christopher Colombus lived over 500 years ago. He is remembered as a famous explorer.

Find out more about him, below.

Below you can see some wonderful examples of our SESE Art Project on Christopher Colombus!

Ship constructed by Jessica Roache

Miss Murrays Class

Drawing By Anam Nisar

Miss Higgins Class

Drawing by Aaron Wall

Miss Longs Class


Miss Higgin's Class


Miss Murray's Class

Rusne Miss Higgins Class

Callum C

Miss Higgin's Class


We are revising our 12 times tables this week. A song can sometimes help us along.

This is a bright and attractive bird house made by Armandas in Miss Higgins class. Well Done Armandas!

Life cycle of the butterfly

Watch the video :

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

2. Read the facts on this website. This will get you ready for your project work.

We have given you a site to visit and learn about the Vikings in Ireland

When you are finished draw a picture of a viking ship and write a little 10 line story about your adventures in Ireland as a Viking

The Book of Kells was a famous Irish book from the time when Ireland was known as the 'land of Saint and Scholars'

Make your own drawing like the bird drawing we have shown you, screenshot it and upload it to your google classroom for your teacher

Sharks and their Teeth

About the Teeth of Sharks

The thing about a shark is—teeth,

One row above, one row beneath.

Now take a close look. Do you find

It has another row behind?

Still closer—here, I’ll hold your hat:

Has it a third row behind that?

Now look in and...Look out! Oh my,

I’ll never know now! Well, goodbye.

This is a lovely picture of a butterfly that was sent in today. Well done and the colours are just absolutely brilliant.


We were looking at our emotions today and we are going to make a big effort at home to get on with everyone

Our Projects on France

I hope some day that I will be able to go to France on holidays

I really enjoyed looking up information about the Eiffel Tower.

My colourful Butterfly Picture

Remember to brush those teeth

I have to stay at home but my rocket takes me on wonderful journeys

Today I prayed for all the people in hospital and those who take care of them.

Butterflies are so bright and colourful Look at my drawing of the Butterfly

We have made space rockets as part of our projects. We may have to stay indoors but our spaceships take us to far away places. We are going to write about some of these journeys and the adventures we had on the way. 3,2,1 Take Off!

Have a look at what the Penguins are doing in Dublin Zoo click on this link https://www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/penguins/