
"We are the America of the advisories!" - B.W.


Next ED Day with Ext Advisory is 8/31/18


ON AN ED DAY with Ext Advisory:

  • If you would like to sign up to bring in something to share, use this link: ED DAY REFRESHMENTS SIGN UP LIST
  • Keep in mind that all food must be consumed by 8:30am on a Mass day



  • boys: black pants, tie, button up Oxford shirt (short or long sleeve), sweater or vest, BLACK SOCKS
  • girls: kilt or black pants, button up Oxford shirt (short or long sleeve), sweater or vest,

HEMLOCK - Oct 31st - WEAR RED IF YOU CAN! Mrs. Ly will provide bandanas to wear that day as well.

4/15/19 Lent Rice Bowls are due

3/12/19-3/22-19 St. Leo Social Ministry Food Drive