The above email is the best way to reach me, please don't hesitate to ask any questions.
Date Homework
11/18: Math: page 39, Reading: B.I.F- A Fun Day
11/19: Math: page 40, Reading: B.I.F.- A Pet for Cat
11/20: Math: Page 41, Reading: B.I.F- I Speak, I Say, I Talk
11/21: Math: Page 42, Reading: B.I.F. - Scarecrow, Scarecrow
This year our new Language Arts series comes with many online resources. Students may play games, read the stories we read in class, practice phonemic awareness, etc. I will not be assigning any online work for students to do. This is completely optional and just a great way for your first grader to get extra practice.
Each student has been given a unique password and username. Please type or click on this link and enter your student’s username and password that you will be provided with. Your first grader has already been added to our class.
This year, I will use Schoology to post information on what we are doing in the classroom for each subject. Please use the icon above to access the Schoology website.
**Parents who wish to log in to Schoology should use their child's account information.
How to Access Schoology at Home
1. Use the Schoology link found above (click the Schoology icon).
2. Sign in to Schoology using the username and password for student's St. Leo the Great account. If you are new to the school or in grades K-3, then your password follows the pattern below. If you are in grades 4-8 you may have a different password.
For example, the student John Smith
username: 29 first letter first name spell out last name (no spaces, no caps) (e.g., 29jsmith)
password: 29 first letter first name first letter last name lions (no spaces, no caps) (e.g., 29jslions)
3. Click Log In
4. Click on Courses (top left corner)
5. Select the Course (e.g., music, math, homeroom, etc.).
Upcoming Items-
11/18-11/22: SCA food Drive
11/20: School mass at 1:45 PM
11/26: Early Dismissal End of the 1st trimester
11/27-11/29: Thanksgiving Break
12/2: Teacher Workday
12/4: School mss at 1:45 PM
12/6: Report Cards Sent Home
12/9: Immaculate Conception Feast Day; School mss at 1:45 PM
12/10: Make-up picture Day
12/18: School Mass at 1:45 PM
12/23- 1/3: Christmas Break - No school
Reminders -
Please send coats in with your child when it is below 40 degrees, so they can go out and play.
Please no candy, cookies or donuts for snack time.
Wish List
card stock (white and colors)
legos and magna blocks
stickers/ hole punchers