Culture and Religion of England

By: Rohit 

Culture and Religion

The culture of England has many topics under it. They include: language, ideas, beliefs, customs, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies, habits, and food. I will go over a few of the topics under culture and religion.



The main religion of England is Christianity. The other major religions include: Protestant, Baptist, Methodist, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.

Cultural Ceremonies

The Morris Dance is an interesting cultural dance from the 1400s that the English do for fun. Morris Dancing is a flexible art form where the participants dancing try to act as silly as possible. The dance requires at least two people who will wear bright colored costumes and silly hats. The dance may be able to honor a certain sports team, a local landmark, or to congratulate the birth of a Royal Family's child.


English customs explain what is normal in England. It tells you what to wear, how to behave, what music to listen to, how to work, how to drive, which sport is watched the most, what to eat, which language to speak in, etc.


English customs have a wide variety on what to wear, how to behave, what music to listen to, how to work, how to drive, which sport is watched the most, etc.The English like to wear t-shirts, jeans, and jackets. Most of these clothing come from the brands: Oasis, TopShop, Kookai, Warehouse, and Miss Sixty.


The most used language in England is English but it may seem that it is the only one, in fact there are over 30 different languages in England ranging from a strong accent to a very understandable accent.


Popular music among the English youth include: punk, garage, house, rock, jazz, pop, and R&B. They also listen to artists such as: McFly, JLo, Xtina, Beyonce, Pink, Britney, Justin Timberlake, and Mis-teeq.

The English music has brought out some famous bands such as The Beetles and many others.

Food and Drinks

A common drink in England is black tea, cider, British beer, and Scotch whiskey.

The English love roast dinners. The common meat roasted is usually lamb.

Another favorite meal is fish and chips. Fish and chips are made with deep fried cod, haddock, plaice, or pollack. The chips are really just french fries but in England french fries are known as chips.


England's most popular sport is football. Along with that cricket is England's national sport. 

Cricket is a sport played using two teams of 11 players each. They play with a ball slightly smaller than a baseball and bat shaped like a paddle. Two batters stand in front of a row of 3 sticks called wickets set 20 meters(22 yards) apart. On top of the wickets there are two smaller wooden pieces called bails. A person on the opposing team must try to get the bails of the wickets by throwing it from the opposite wicket. The friendly team with try to hit the ball away and run in between the wickets, each time they run across it is called one run.  When the ball hits the wicket and the bail or if the fielders catch the ball hit out, the batter is out for the rest of the game until they are sent to become fielders. The game will usually last a 1/4 of a day or more. The longest cricket game lasted 9 days straight.