Executive Board

Our 8th grade

Executive Board:


Lily K


Secretary- Meredith R


Vice President-

Olivia G.



Gabe L.



Lucy G.


Publicity- Natalie B.


About Our Executive Board:

Lily K: "I have two dogs (Barkley and Bernie), my favorite ice cream flavor is black raspberry chip, and I LOVE ART!"

Olivia G: "I play soccer and basketball, my favorite ride at Kings Island is the Beast, and my favorite ice cream flavor is black raspberry chip (just like Lily!)"

Meredith R: "I have three sisters, I have a brown golden-doodle named Paddington, and I dance for Seton (go Saints!)"

Gabe L: "I have a puppy named Addy, I am on academic team, and I like to play golf!"

Lucy G: "I have a puppy named Teddy, I want to be a molecular and cellular biologist, and I want to go to an ivy league school!"

Natalie B: "I love reading, my favorite movie is Tangled, and my favorite subject is social studies!"