Stationary List
Thank you for helping to get your child ready for the school year!
It is MUCH appreciated!
St. Anastasia School School Supplies Grade 2
The Becker’s Box will contain the following items:
❏ 10 grade level copybooks (specials included in total)
❏ 1 theme tablet
❏ 2 jumbo pencil cases (one to be used for writing tools, one to be used as an art case) *Becker’s cases will be the only ones permitted! Cost of the Becker’s Box is $19.00 *Please send your payment in with your child during the first week of school. Checks can be made payable to St. Anastasia School.
* Items to be purchased outside of school:
❏ 8 plain two-pocket vinyl folders (one each for Spanish, Music and Art)
❏ 1 box of markers
❏ 1 box of crayons
❏ 1 12 inch ruler with customary metric markings
❏ 10 #2 pencils
❏ 2 red pens
❏ 1 yellow highlighter
❏ 5 glue sticks
❏ 1 bottle liquid glue
❏ 1 pack of construction paper (unbound)
❏ 1 pair of scissors
❏ 3 black chisel wipe off markers
❏ 1 pair of personal earbuds
❏ 1 case or plastic bag for earbuds
❏ 1 8-color pan set of Crayola Washable Watercolor Paints (for Art)
❏ 1 9x12 inch dollar store unlined drawing pad (for Art) Items for the classroom:
❏ 2 box of tissues
❏ 3 containers of disinfecting wipes