Orders and Vendor info

Vendor Search

For materials:

Create an email for each vendor. Write the vendor's name in the subject line of the email. I will reply to each email as I submit it. The easiest way to show me what you want is to create a cart and then copy and paste your cart into an email. Please do not send a screenshot- they tend to be very small and unreadable when enlarged. I also do not accept orders via text.

Good product vendors to order from:

  • Rainbow Resource- great for curriculum and materials
  • Office Depot or Staples- school supplies, printer ink
  • Barnes and Noble- Books not found on Rainbow Resource, please include ISBN numbers in the email
  • Music Infusion- Instruments, music stuff
  • Dick Blick- Art stuff
  • Gopher Sport- Sports stuff

For services and classes:

Please fill out the form below. It asks for all the information I will need to create the PO. The classes CANNOT start before the first day of school and make sure you give me the request at least 3 days prior to the class starting.

Service PO Request