
Terry James Conrad's artist talk, Feb. 17, 2021

The virtual tour & opening of Object Permanence.

Conrad's large-scale piece, Interstitial Plains, in action.

Time-lapse video of Terry Conrad assembling a press.

Dispatches from the Iowa Booth

Terry Conrad engages with scientists, musicians, & artists who inspire him, hosted live from the Iowa Booth inside the gallery.

A conversation with Silvia Secchi, a natural resources economist & Associate Professor of Geographical & Sustainability Sciences, University of Iowa.

Terry Conrad hosts Dr. Joan Bernhard, Senior Scientist, Geology & Geophysics Department, University of Iowa.

Terry Conrad hosts musician Tommy Santee Klaws, who played a set of compositions on instruments built by Terry, on view in his exhibition.

Terry Conrad hosts artist Donté K. Hayes. Hayes received his MA and MFA with honors from the University of Iowa, where Terry teaches, and is the 2017 recipient of the University of Iowa Arts Fellowship.

Brian Dewan and Terry play a 20 min set of some of Brian's instruments (built with his cousin, Leon Dewan) and some of Terry's instruments, followed by a conversation with the audience. Brian Dewan is a visual artist and musician living in Catskill, NY.