Creative Curbsides

Arbor HIll/West Hill, 148 Henry Johnson Blvd, Albany, NY 12210

Each window is 68.5" w x 26.5" h. Smaller windows near right corner are 14"w and 18"w at the left, near front doors.

Library staff must be able to retain sight lines to the street, therefore approx. 50% of windows below 7’ should be left unaltered or should be covered by transparent material. Windows above 7’ can be fully covered. Artists may propose to use/transform the outside or inside of the window, but may not drill holes in any part of the exterior of the buildings. Inside, drywall screws, nails, command strips/hooks, and other typical installation hardware will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Both libraries have 5.5 inch sills between each pane that can be utilized. No holes can be drilled in the sills.