Part Three Instructions: Below you will find the link to the Name That Note flash game. This is the note-naming game where you'll be working on increasing your note identification speed for treble and bass clefs. Learning to read notes quickly is extremely important for success in this course and on the AP Exam. It will save you time in class and on homework, as well as help you to think faster and practice/perform better, which is one of the overarching goals for this year.

Tip: to increase your speed and focus, I recommend muting the game sounds and practice saying the letter names aloud before moving your mouse.

1) Click here , scroll down to the Name That Note flash game, and press play.

2) Select the Treble Clef, then choose your level of difficulty for practice

  • Beginner gives you up to 10 seconds per note and only does notes on the staff. If you need to start on this level, you should aim for a minimum score of 150 before moving up to the intermediate level. If you find yourself making several mistake in a single game, slow down and practice using the spell-up method (video demo here) of sounding out the the consecutive names of lines or spaces upwards until the note is reached (i.e EGBDF or FACE). Repeat this process aloud and work to increase your speed, then practice on eventually automating your identification of notes automatically without the need of the spell-up method to increase your speed.

  • Intermediate gives you up to 5 seconds per note and includes ledger line notes above and below the staff. If you find yourself incorrectly identifying several notes before time runs out, restart the game and switch to the beginner level, following the advice above to increase your identification speed.

3) Once you earn a score at or above 300 for Treble Clef on Intermediate Difficulty, quickly take a fullscreen screenshot (shift+command+3) to capture your score. You'll only have about 4-ish seconds to do this before your score disappears.

4) Select the Bass Clef, then choose your level of difficulty for practice, and play the game methodically as outlined in step 2 above.

  • Reminder: the lines of the bass clef are G-B-D-F-A and the spaces are A-C-E-G, which are different from the treble clef. Depending on your experience with this clef, you may need to start with the beginner level of difficulty and spell-up method at first, automate your spelling, then switch to intermediate difficulty to add your ledger lines and work on your speed.

  • Tip: this takes practice and brain power. Be patient and persevere. If you find yourself your score starts to cap or decrease from fatigue, give yourself a break and try again later or the next day.

5) Once you earn a score at or above 300 for Bass Clef on Intermediate Difficulty, quickly take a fullscreen screenshot (shift+command+3) to capture your score. You'll only have about 4-ish seconds to do this before your score disappears.

6) Upload both of your screenshots for Treble & Bass Clefs to the folder linked below.