Accessibility & Universal Design
Is your course accessible?

Grackle Google Chrome Add-on

Ally / Canvas Accessibility Checker

YouTube Captions

ReadSpeaker & TextAid in Canvas

Are you following universal design and accessibility best practices?

Let us help you calibrate your online course materials using the new OEI Course Rubric accessibility checklist. We can answer questions and show you how to make adjustments to comply with CCC and federal accessibility standards.

Make an appointment with one of us today! Full-time faculty receive flex credit for any appointment with FC staff. Part-time faculty can include training sessions on their CV as continuing education too!

Individual training and workshop topics include:

  • Use of Canvas in both online and face-to-face classes

  • Instructional design support for online, hybrid and face-to-face classes

  • Ways to incorporate instructional technology in your classes, including the latest technologies

  • Best teaching and learning practices specific to all learning modalities

  • Class assessment practices and skills

  • Strategies to address basic skills needs of students in your classes

  • Other topics related to teaching and learning