Egyptian pharaohs

Thutmose III

Thutmose III was one of the main pharaohs. During his rule of 54 years,he defeated plenty of Egypt's enemies and extent of the Egyptian Empire. Thutmose III was born a prince of the Egyptian Empire. His father, Thutmose II was a pharaoh of Egypt as well. Thutmose III was the sixth pharaoh of the eighteenth Dynasty. Thutmose III had a nickname and they used to call him Napoleon of Ancient Egypt because he was a magnificent genaral. Thutmose III is famous because he was a skilled warrior who brought the Egyptian empire to the zenith of it's power by conquering all of Syria.


Akhenaten was very famous for changing the traditional religion of Egypt from the Worship of many gods to the worship of a single god named aten. Akhenaten was born in Egypt around 1380 BC. He was the second son to the pharaoh Amenhotep III. When his brother died he became the crown prince of Egypt. Many people did not like akhenaten because of his religious ways. Akhenaten had something wrong with him. Akhenaten's head was mishappen because of a condition in which skull bones fuse at an early age. Many people believe that Akaenaten had Marfan syndrome. Which is a disorder marked by lengthed features,such as fingers and the face.

Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III was also one of the main pharaohs. Amenhotep III means Amun is Satisfied. Amen hotep III was the main god of the Egyptians,He was the ninth pharaoh of the eighteenth Dynasty, He died in 1504 BC Amenhotep III was also a pharaoah 3,300 years ago . He ascended to the throne at the age of 9 but ruled for only 10 years before dying at 19 around 1324 BC. Amenhotep III was a very interesting and brave pharaoh back than.