Egyptian Pharaohs


Reigned - 51 BC - 30 BC

Lifetime - 69 BC to 30 BC

She was the last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Cleopatra wasn't a native Egyptian but the daughter of the Macedonian general Ptolemy I Soter. She was very stressed and overwhelmed with ruling so she decided to end her life. Cleopatra is remembered and has many play and documentaries written about her life.

Ramses II

Reigned - 1279 BC to 1213 BC

Lifetime-1303 BC- 1213 BC

He had over 200 wives and concubines and fathered over 100 children, many of whom he outlived. Ramses was named after his grandfather, the great pharaoh Ramses I, who brought their commoner family to the ranks of royalty through his military prowess.


Reigned-1478 BC-1458 BC

Lifetime- 1507-1458 BC

She was the most successful female pharaoh to ascend to the throne of Egypt. She was the wife, daughter, and sister to the king, not only did she shared a royal bloodline, but she also inherited the art of ruling from her royal family. After her husband’s death, Hatshepsut took over the throne and reigned for over 21 years. She accomplished a lot more than many other pharaohs could have done during their reign.


ramses II
