Samoset Middle School

Library Media Center

Mrs. Tina Evan


"When in doubt go to the library" - J. K. Rowling

See what's new at the Sachem Public Library

If you are looking for a great E-book or audiobook, try SORA!

Please submit your 3-D printing requests here!

Enter the Samoset Sticks Together sticker contest and turn you artwork into a sticker! Submit your artwork in the library Google classroom or see Mrs. Evan or Mr. Devine for more details.

Please join the Samoset Library  Google Classroom

Join code: qk4nk4n 

The Samoset Library Media Center offers students and staff access to state of the art literature and information resources. The library media program positively contributes to students' educational success. It supports standards driven education initiatives and provides instruction integrated with the school curriculum. The development of lifelong readers and information literate learners is the primary mission of the school library media center. Access to print, non-print and electronic information is available in the library. These information resources include books, periodicals, research databases, the Internet, audio and visual materials.