Poetry Fun

Poetry Fun

Poetry is a wonderful way to practice your reading fluency. Many poems have Rhythm and Rhyme which can make them fun to listen to and fun to read!!

Check out the links below to learn more about Poetry. I have also included a couple of read alouds from one of my favorite poets, Shel Silverstein!

Do you have a favorite poem or poet? Or maybe you have even written a poem yourself! I would love to hear from you!!!

Do you like to laugh??

Check out the GiggleVerse website! There are so many silly poems that will definitely put a smile on your face! You can even rate each poem with with stars after you read or listen! Try to write your own silly poem! Share it with me...I would love to hear!

My boys got a kick out of this poem...check it out!

My Brother Threw up on My Stuffed Toy Bunny, By Barry Louis Polisar

~How to Rhyme~

Poems do not need to rhyme but I love when they do! I think it makes poetry fun to read and write! Watch this video and then try to make some rhymes of your own! Can you make a triple rhyme?

Acrostic Poetry

Kenn Nesbitt's, Poetry4Kids website is one of my favorite spots to visit when I want to learn about poetry or just want to read or listen to some wonderful poems. Watch the video below on how to create an Acrostic Poem. After you watch it, try one out yourself! I watched this with my sons and we all wrote our own acrostic poems about SPRING! You can even add some illustrations!

Click the link below for instructions and examples

Below are some Spring Acrostic pages you can print out and use, but you can easily create your own by just using a piece of white paper and your creativity!
