Each full week we will have a Star Student. This is to highlight each student throughout the year. Make them feel as special as they are and help the star work on speaking skills while the rest of the class works on listening and questioning skills. 

  Your child will come home with the paperwork for Star Student on the Thursday or Friday the week before. 

Monday: The Star Student will share his/her poster with the class. The poster will be displayed on the board all week.

Tuesday: The Star Student will select five of their favorite photos to share with the class. These photos will be added to the display and left up all week. The photos will be sent home on Friday.

Wednesday: The Star Student brings in one book to read to the class. Students can read the book aloud to the class if it can be done in less than 10 minutes or give a book-talk if the book is longer.

Thursday: The Star Student will select five special items that tell about themselves (awards, certificates, souvenir, toy, movie, song, sport paraphernalia, etc.) The student will tell the class why this item is special to them. These items will be taken home that day.

Friday: The Star Student will receive a book of compliments (the book will sit untouched over the weekend and sent home on Monday) and a parent/guardian can choose to include a letter. The parent letter is to tell the class how special your child is. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child and I will read it aloud to the class. The content of the letter is up to you. A form letter has been attached to help with this task.