World Languages

Sra. Horn

Bienvenidos al sitio de la clase de español!

En este sitio encontrarán muchas fuentes diferentes para enriquecer la experiencia educativa de nuestra clase.

Es muy importante recordar que en clase solamente tenemos 42 minutos para exponer temas y gramática, mientras aquí podrán añadir a esa información y aumentar su uso y comprensión del idioma español.

In this site you will find a lot of different resources to enrich our classes' educational experience. It's important to remember that in class we only have 42 minutes to explore themes and grammar, while here you will be able to add to that information and increase your use and comprehension of the Spanish Language.

Juniors from Sachem North June 2017

About me

Informacion sobre la Profesora Horn

I have been teaching since 2002 "officially" but I fell in love with teaching and languages long before I ever thought of becoming a Language teacher. I grew up speaking Spanish and English and when it came time to chose a language in Junior High School, I picked French because... well why not? I loved it instantly. It seemed that learning about different cultures and languages intrigued me and I realized that being bilingual facilitated my language acquisition. I continued to study both French and Italian through HS and even had the opportunity to become a tutor for my peers. I didn't think of studying Spanish until I was away at college and was majoring in English and I somehow I got a hold of some Spanish short stories and I was in love. I had a rough start because as a Native speaker I had a different way of learning my native tongue but I was willing to work at it. As I tutored student athletes in Spanish all throughout college, I became a better writer, my grammar cleaned up and I finally learned the rules behind the language I had learned from birth. All of this experience and it STILL didn't dawn on me that maybe I could be happy teaching for a living!

Upon graduating from College I went to work for Univision Communications in their NYC office. Univision is still the leading Spanish Language Network in the US. I worked with them for 3 years in the Research, Marketing and Sales Department. I learned a ton, made a lot of contacts and got a glimpse of where that career would lead. While I was inerviewing for a higher level position it dawned on me, that I didn't really want to move up as much as I wanted to move out of that field. t was then that it I knew I needed to go back to school and get my education certification. My heart was not satisfied until I got my education degree and set foot in my very own classroom. Within months I was subbing and taking classes to fulfill that dream... and here I am... a dozen+ years later, knowing that this was the best decision I ever made.


Boston College -BA in English Literature and Hispanic Languages and Literature

LIU- CWPOST- Secondary Education World Languages and Literature

Stony Brook University- MALS - Spanish Language & Literature and Multicultural studies


A few quick links to help you with your assignments