Rules & Responsibilities

Sachem East High School Physical Education


Students will be graded daily based on a 5 point rubric if they are present in class. Students will receive points for each of the following…

2 points - PARTICIPATION - Student meets all participation requirements set forth by the teacher on that day, and contributes to the class in a positive way.

2 points  - PREPAREDNESS - Student has changed into appropriate PE attire (ex. gym shorts, sweatpants, tee shirt, sweatshirt, leggings) and sneakers, and has locked up all belongings. 

1 point - BELONGINGS -  All cellular devices, backpacks, pocketbooks, earbuds and electronics have been secured in the locker. 

***NOTE*** If students are absent, they will NOT receive any points. Exceptions include lessons (1 per quarter), field trips, and any absences with a doctors note. Legal absences from school still result in zero points, but can be made up before or after school (see below for PE makeup information).