SADD club

Meeting schedule

2nd Tuesday of the month

October 9

November 8 * Change of Date!

December 17

January 15

February 12

March 12

April 9

May 14


NOVEMBER 27, 2018

Pick up raffle tickets... be sure to get donations over Veteran's Day weekend.

Sign up for the "remind" app...

text @fkhae2 to 81010

November 13

Pick up donation request letters for the 12 Days of Charity... we need donations!!!!

November 8, 2018 AGENDA

Chairpeople for the following events:

  • 12 Days of Charity
  • Grim Reaper Day
  • Spring Safe Driving

Discuss 12 Days of charity...Donations

October 9 agenda

  1. Welcome and club meeting dates. Type B club… 1-2 major events per year… Grim Reaper Day, Safe Driving… no community service and no scholarship… membership of less than 15… meets once a month
  2. SADD Remind app use google site until it is up and running
  4. Homecoming… we need volunteers for Sat. Oct. 20 from 11:45- 2 pm
  5. Donations of items for basket for homecoming
  6. Donation letter… 12 days of charity
  7. President: Paul Salamone

Assistant to the president: Dylan Santos

Vice President: Archer Parker

Assistant to the VP: Lillian Dang

Secretary: Jesse Knudson, Samantha Sofoklis

Attendance Secretary: Daniella Gandolfo

Treasurer: Danielle Cornetta

Assistant Treasurer: David Nieber

Publicity: Matthew Ely

*Fill out club charter!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Election day volunteers