Information for Professionals

We frequently provide information about Narcotics Anonymous to local professionals in the community. Since your organization may interact with people with drug problems, we believe it is important for you to be aware of Narcotics Anonymous as a community resource. 

Please feel free to refer people with drug problems to our meetings or pass information about our program to those who may benefit from it. We hope you find the following information helpful.

NA is a free member-driven, international organization in which no dues or fees are charged for membership. All we ask is that a potential member have a desire to stop using drugs. Members recover from the disease of addiction by application of the principles contained in the Twelve Steps. Our program is based on a set of spiritual principles, and we have no affiliation with any organized religion. People from a wide variety of beliefs, including atheists and agnostics, find recovery in Narcotics Anonymous. 

Narcotics Anonymous is a twelve-step approach to recovery with the primary purpose of helping any individual stop using drugs. NA’s program focuses on an addict’s recovery from the disease of addiction, rather than any specific drug. Through our group meetings and the therapeutic value of one addict helping another, addicts learn how to live drug-free and productive lives.

For Facilities 

The Public Relations Committee for Sacramento Fellowship of NA can present an overview of our program and how it can benefit your clients. We provide educational presentations in schools, at rehabilitation facilities, and within the justice system. Please contact our Public Relations Committee to request a presentation.

We have meeting schedules and informational pamphlets for use by professionals and their clients which can be made available at your facility. 

Purchase NA literature at

You can download and print copies of the Sacramento Fellowship NA Meeting Schedule here. SacFNA Meetings

The Narcotics Anonymous World website has  more information for professionals with many free downloads and historical information: