Women in Art


  • 51% of visual artists in the United States are women; on average, they earn 81¢ for every dollar made by male artists. (National Endowment for the Arts)
  • Women working across arts professions make almost $20,000 less per year than men. (Artsy)
  • Women in the arts are found not to experience the “motherhood penalty” which in other industries results in a loss or stagnant income after children. But men in the arts do experience the “marriage premium,”—an increase in pay for married men of roughly $7,200 per year that neither women nor single men experience. Men working in the arts also receive an income bump when they become fathers. (Artsy)
  • ArtReview’s 2018 Power 100 list of the “most influential people in the contemporary art world” was 40% women—though this is an improvement from 2017 (38%) and 2016 (32%). (Art Review)

Our Students Conclusions

Schools should teach more about female artists and not only male ones.

Society has to change their mindset and leave gender stereotypes behind.

Fight for female rights.

Hay que difundir con más intención las obras de las mujeres. (Spanish)

Cambiar cómo se da la información sobre las mujeres. (Spanish)