Mobility in LillestrØm (Norway)

From 3rd to 7th May 2022 the fouth mobility of the Erasmus + Project Global Awarenss starts in my school took place in LillestrØm (Norway).

These are the school premises LillestrØm videregaende skole.

+Info in TwinSpace

Students were introduced to the tasks they were to do during their stay in Lillestrom. This school has been working on misinformation and disinformation for a long time, so Mr Jon Haug.shared with the students from participating countries, all they had already seen and done in previous years related to the topic. In fact, students were also presented a video made in 2019 related to how fake news may influence an election. There was another video on manipulation of youth and military service. Both were analysed thoroughly.

Teachers also worked and shared experiences previously carried out along the project.

Students presented and shared their conclusions on disinformation and misinformation. They worked in seven different groups made up of people from each participating country. Each group considered an explicit topic to focus on such as

Oil industry in Norway, uses of pictures in social networks, Ukraine/ Rusia war , cosmetic surgery, racism, radicalism ( some topics being repeated).

In short, this project has been extremely useful and beneficial for students and teachers. Students have had a great chance to exchange views on the topics they had agreed on their goups. The fact that there were many nationalities involved has made them reach deep knowledge on the matter from different points of view increasing the awareness and critical thought which will be extremely helpful in their lives.