Section 504

Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act prevents discrimination against students with substantially limiting disabilities that affect one or more major life activities. Eligible students are provided reasonable accommodations to give those students the same access to the benefit of a public education as all other students.

To understand RISD's process and procedures for serving students with disabilities under Section 504, please review our SECTION 504 HANDBOOK: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS. Your rights under Section 504 can be found in the Notice of Rights and Procedural Protections.


Section 504 RISD Handbook


Raymondville ISD FB (LEGAL)


Raymondville ISD FB (LOCAL)

Your rights under the IDEA can be found in the following document:

Notice of Procedural Safeguards

Sus derechos bajo IDEA se encuentran en el siguiente documento:

Aviso Sobre Procedimientos de Protección

Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504


To facilitate efforts to eliminate discrimination against students with disabilities, OCR offers this resource guide to provide answers to questions that OCR has received and increase understanding among parents and members of the school community of the Federal civil rights laws that protect students with disabilities in public schools, and in particular, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504).1

Fact Sheet for Parents


Hoja de datos para las familias
