About the Researcher

Hello! My name is Paige Behrens and I am a high school senior in Denver, Colorado. I have lived in CO for the last 6 years, but I am originally from San Diego, CA. Growing up near the ocean I have always found myself fascinated with the ocean and its inhabitants. I grew to love biology, as it explained all the interworkings that made ecosystems cohesive.

My education in the biotechnology program at Rock Canyon High School has further developed my passion concerning genetics, as well as cellular and molecular biology. I have worked with Drosophila melanogaster, CRISPR protocols, gel electrophoresis and more.

In this same biotechnology program, I conducted research evaluating the effects of Ethinylestradiol on the heart size of Daphnia magna. With this project, my team was named the Stockholm Junior Water Prize Colorado Representatives & Winners. I am currently acting as a biotechnolgy mentor to students perusing novel research endevours of their own.

When I am not in the lab, I commonly find myself running. I have enjoyed my time on the school track and cross country teams, meeting new people and staying fit. I enjoy volunteering in my community at the local hospital and the district outdoor education camp as well as working as a lifeguard at the local recreation center.

I hope to peruse research in a field of biology as I continue onto college. I look forward to sharing my reseach endevours this year!