Fine Motor Activities


Peeling stickers off of the backing helps work fine motor muscles. Let your child create some sticker artwork.


Using stiff string or pipe cleaners, let your children create some jewelry by stringing small beads. Both picking up tiny beads and the stringing motion work those fine motor muscles.


Have your child practice opening snacks, lids, etc . The smaller the better to work those fingers.

Picking Up Small Objects

Using tweezers, tongs, or some sort of grabber, pick up small items like cotton balls or pom pom balls and place into small container. Take in and out of containers with grabbers.


Clip them onto paper, clothes, etc or just open and close the clip, all the motions they do with the clip will just make those fine muscles stronger and stronger.

Play Doh

Playing play doh & putty type materials will help work all those little hand muscles.


If you are feeling brave, let kids practice cutting with scissors.


Measuring & pouring ingredients for baking and cooking.