Meet the staff

One of the biggest differences between primary and secondary school is the number of staff you will get to know. At Rye Hills there are over 100 members of staff. You won’t be expected to know them all, but we thought it would be helpful to start to get to know some faces!

Senior Leaders

Mrs Waugh

Head of School

Mr Carney

Vice Principal

Miss Jones

Asst Principal

Mr Lane

Asst Principal

Mrs Gummerson

Asst Principal

Mrs Watson

Director of SEND & Transition

Mrs Haslam

Director of Teaching & Learning

Mr Waugh

Director of Operations

Pastoral Staff

In primary school you probably had a key member of staff such as your class teacher or a teaching assistant who you could go to if you needed support. At Rye Hills we have over 900 children in school and we divide you all between three ‘colleges’ – a bit like the houses in Harry Potter!

Each college has a college leader (CPL) and a non-teaching member of staff (PSO). Within each college students are placed into form groups, with their own form tutor.


Named after the famous mathematician, Sir Isacc Newton. Students wear a purple tie.

Mrs Sands


Miss Dudley


Mrs Collinson



Named after the famous engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Students wear a blue tie.

Mr Stockwell


Mrs Fleming



Named after the famous playwright, William Shakespeare. Students wear a green tie.

Mr Norminton


Miss Brooks


Support Staff

Miss Marson

Miss Marson is our Pupil Premium Champion and supports EAL (English as an additional language) students.

Mrs Allinson

Mrs Allinson is our SEND Champion and supports students with special educational needs.