Online Resources

MackinVia Ebooks and Databases

Contains middle and high school-appropriate magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles and also includes primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia. Includes Middle Search Plus, MAS Ultra - School Edition, Consumer Health Complete, Health Source - Consumer Edition, and Science Reference Center databases.


Looking for some great e-books to pass the time of day? Then follow one of the links below to visit TeenBookCLud where you will find tons of great books to explore!


Encyclopedia content for middle school grades plus multimedia, timelines, world atlas, country comparison, and primary sources.

Encyclopedia content for high school grades plus multimedia, timelines, world atlas, country comparison, and primary sources.

A middle school-appropriate database of reference works, biographies, magazine and journal articles, primary source documents, and multimedia.

Contains middle and high school-appropriate magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles and also includes primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia. Includes Middle Search Plus, MAS Ultra - School Edition, Consumer Health Complete, Health Source - Consumer Edition, and Science Reference Center databases.

American Antiquarian Society:

Historical Periodicals

Digitized images from the American Antiquarian Society of the pages of American magazines and journals published between 1684 - 1912.

Provides access to a collection of eBooks available to residents of Minnesota.

ELM (eLibrary Minnesota) gives Minnesota residents access to magazine, journal, newspaper and encyclopedia articles, media, including images, videos, and audio files, and other information resources.

ELM provides information on a vast array of topics, including consumer information, arts and humanities, career, occupation, and test prep, current events, health, science, social science, politics, business, and more.

Pro vs. con essays that present multiple sides of current or controversial issues. Plus magazine and newspaper articles, primary sources, and more related to those issues

Provides a collection of learning centers with practice tests, skill-building courses, exercises, and eBooks on such topics as jobs and careers, software tutorials, elementary math and reading skills, ACT preparation, and personal finance skills.

Provides full text articles from nearly 1,700 periodicals covering such subjects as science, health, business, general reference, and education.