

*************WE WILL NOT HAVE A SNACK BREAK DURING 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR**************

The purpose of snack time is to allow our brains a chance to reboot in order to stay alert for an extended period of time. Therefore, we want to give our bodies the energy it needs instead of unnecessary added sugars and fats. Here are some healthy ideas for sending in snack if you choose to provide one. I'll send a list of ideas home as well. We'll look for food that does not have added sugar as a first ingredient.

  • Any fresh vegetables (i.e. carrots, string beans, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)

  • Fresh fruits easy to eat (banana, grapes, apple)

  • Unsweetened applesauce

  • String cheese

  • Whole grain, low sugar cereals (i.e. Cheerios, Kix, Life, etc.)

  • Pretzels

  • Granola/cereal bars (not fudge dipped)

  • Crackers-regular, animal, graham

  • Dried fruits

Please remember our rooms have carpet, so bring easy to eat items. I teach and model healthy lifestyle choices by promoting healthy snacks per our RWPS wellness policy. Some examples of foods to avoid bringing as snack include: sugary cereals, fudge dipped granola bars, Nutella, chips, cookies, donuts, muffins, and cake.

Water: Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle that has a tight fitting cap. These will be for water only without any flavorings. At the end of each week I will remind them to bring their bottles home to be washed.