Google Tutorials
Teacher Google Tutorials
Links that will get you started on your journey towards Google educator certification.
Google Classroom Assignment Tip: Easily create a copy of a doc for each student. Created by Tara Waudby
How to post videos or pictures to Google Classroom as a Teacher.
How to link directly to a Google Classroom Assignment by Callie Bushmiller
Student Google Tutorials
How-to on opening Google Doc assignments from Google Classroom. Created by Nicole Cerro
How-to save photos to Google Drive from email. Created by Nicole Cerro
How to post photos on the Google Classroom Stream. Created by Nicole Cerro
How to Join a google classroom class with a code. Created by David Lloyd
A student friendly version of how to join Hangouts Created by Phedora Johnson and Raolat Olayeye
How to upload and insert images into Google Docs. Created by Karston Bushmiller
How students can add an image from a phone onto Google Classroom