
PhD (pursuing) in "Photo-catalytic nano materials based geopolymer concrete for enhanced strength and reduction of Nitrogen oxides" in RVCE from 2020

The vehicular emission is a major concern world over and reduction on vehicular dependency is not happening any sooner either. this research work aims are producing concrete surfaces along the roads including roads, footpaths, compound walls etc into surfaces which help us reduce pollution. The nano TiO2 is a material which adsorbs the pollutants in vehicular exhaust and reduce them to less harmful by-products.

M Tech In Construction Technology From BMSCE in year 2009

Construction technology is an overview of construction activities from a wholistic approach, with respect to time, quality and money. Support and monitor the entire process from the foundation to a finished product. It involves all aspects of construction from idea to planning to execution to monitoring to completion and finally even in operation and maintenance of construction projects