Research Profile

Research Guidance

Publications and IPR

No. of Publications            : 32

International Journals    : 12

National Journals              : 01

International Conferences    : 15

National Conferences      : 04

No. of Book Chapters : 03

No. of Patents         : 1 (published)

Patent Title: A PEER TO PEER SECURE ENERGY TRADING SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF, Patent Application No : 202141004314, date : 22.10.2021; Status: Published; Inventors: Pradipkumar Dixit, Viswanath Talasila, M. Mrunalini, Manish Kumar 

Publications (Last 5 years)

Books and Book Chapters


1.  Kimmi Kumari, Mrunalini, M., Mamata Pandey, Sushma Verma, Shubhojeet Paul, Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Techniques on Hadoop Framework, International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems, vol 11, Issue 1, p1, 2023

2. Kumari, K., Mrunalini, M. Detecting Denial of Service attacks using machine learning algorithms. Journal of Big Data, Springer, vol 9, issue 56, 2022.

3.  M. Mrunalini et al, Classification of Liver Tumors from Computed Tomography Using NRSVM, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing (IASC) 2022, vol.33, no.3, pp:1517-1530. DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.024786

4.  Kimmi Kumari, Mrunalini M, A Framework for Analysis of Incompleteness and Security Challenges in IoT Big Data, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), IGI Global 16(2), 2022. DOI: 10.4018/IJISP.308305

5.  Kimmi Kumari, M. Mrunalini, “Techniques for Data Extraction from Heterogeneous Sources with data security”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,  vol 8, issue 2, July 2019. ISSN: 2277-3878 

6.   Pushpaltha M N, Mrunalini M,  "Predicting the Severity of Open Source Bug Reports Using Unsupervised and Supervised Techniques", International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP), vol 10, issue 1, 2019 

7.  Kimmi Kumari, M. Mrunalini “A Survey on Big Data Security: Issues, Challenges and Techniques”, International Journal of System and Software Engineering 6 (2), pp. 23-36, December 2018 


1.   M. Mrunalini, Pavan Kumar D, “Energy Trading using Ethereum Blockchain”,  ICTIS, 2020 pp. 357-365.

2.  Anirudh Rodda, S. Suguna Mallika, M. Jaiganesh, M. Mrunalini,    “Suspect detection system – An architecture based on surveillance visual analytics using IoT”, Materials Today: Proceedings, November 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.738

3.  K. Kumari, M. Mrunalini, M. Kumar, V. Talasila and P. K. Dixit, "Design Model for Energy Trading on Blockchain," 2019 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), Mysuru, India, 2019, pp. 336-341, doi: 10.1109/ICEECCOT46775.2019.9114816.