Political Engagement

Chairperson: Dan Wimmer
Contact Information: polec@rvata35.ca 

There is a lot going on in Alberta right now, and it is important, perhaps now more than ever, that the voices of teachers are included in the important political conversations taking place.

While the ATA is non-partisan, that does not mean we are apolitical. The ATA does not align with any parties or candidates for office, but we do encourage the active participation of teachers, as citizens, in the political process. This includes encouraging teachers to participate in the party of their choice.

Meeting dates for 2023-2024: 

Below are some practical ideas for how to become politically engaged. It's easy enough to start small.

Educate Yourself

What is your constituency? Who is your MLA? Where is his or her constituency office? Do you know representatives of the other political parties in your constituency? Do you know how to contact your MLA? Does your MLA keep you informed on political activities? Do you know your MLA’s views on education?

Keep up to date on education issues

Skim newspapers/magazines/ websites from an education perspective. Listen to in-depth coverage of provincial political events on radio or television. Ask to be put on the Alberta Teachers’ Association’s e-mail distribution list for legislative summaries. Read Alberta Hansard. Decide that you are going to keep yourself informed on political/education issues.

Make contact

Always remember that your MLA is human and has feelings. Commending your MLA for something well done or some stand taken is important—your views count. Keep in touch with your MLA by phone, e-mail or letter. Keep your MLA informed about what you see happening in education—good and correct information is valuable. Raise education issues whenever possible. Try to meet regularly and, if possible, informally with your MLA. Try to attend constituency meetings, such as town hall meetings, and raise education questions.

join a political party

It is easier to influence from inside than from outside. Be visible. Don’t have a one-track mind— education should be only one of your issues. Promote education resolutions at political party conventions. Get involved at the constituency association level.

Ready to take the leap? Click here to jump to the ATA website for more information on how you can get politically engaged!