Inspired by books and everyday objects, STEAM Factory students will be introduced to new techniques for thinking and tinkering in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. These learning and innovation skills are developed through challenges and productive struggles. Students will sharpen their cognitive skills such as problem-solving and thinking both critically and creatively. Students will also collaborate in teams, become proficient in technology literacy, and communicate clearly and confidently in all settings providing meaningful feedback for peers while project tuning. Furthermore, students will be introduced to life and career skills such as flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills, productivity and accountability, leadership and responsibility. Students will become more aware that in the real-world that there’s not always a right or wrong answer; sometimes, there are multiple right answers, requiring them to choose one and justify their choice. Eventually, students will participate in a Project-Based Learning environment, where all students will be presented with problems, design solutions, and present their products to authentic audiences.

What is The Steam Factory?

The STEAM Factory is an auxiliary academic program for qualifying tier one students in grades 3-8. At the Factory, students are taught 21st Century Skills that can be translated into the classroom and beyond. Through Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math students are presented with hands-on lessons in an encouraging environment where learning is pushed beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Who Qualifies?

STEAM Factory students, in grades 3-8, qualify for the program based on Gifted and Talented Services or scoring a qualifying composite STEAM Score. Composite STEAM Scores consider math STAR scores, reading STAR scores, and teacher ratings based on student aptitudes of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.


  • Regular attendance & Participation in STEAM

  • No decline in content area class averages during a quarter

  • High effort in the classroom and STEAM


Students may be placed under probation for a given period of time if their behavior does not meet school standards or their progress is not adequate in class. Student progress and disciplinary referrals from their school will be used to determine adherence to these high standards. I will be in constant communication with your child’s teachers. If a student’s progress does not improve while under probation the student will be removed from the program.