Welcome to the RCHS Learning Commons!


To keep everyone safe and healthy, you will need to sign in when entering the Learning Commons. 

Open Hours: 

Monday to Thursday - 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Closed daily for Lunch B. 

Check Out Our Books!

Atriuum - Find any book in our library, physical or digital. Log in with your school username and password to see what books you have checked out, reserve books, rate books, and more. 

SRT BackPass

Need help on how to use Pass? Click here to learn more. 

Kajeet Hotspots

Don't have WiFi in your house but you need to connect to the Internet? RCHS currently has 6 Kajeeet hotspots available for checkout. Students and staff can checkout this hotspot for home use. 

Find the mental health help that you need:

RCHS Camerons Collection.pdf