ECFE Classes

ECFE Basics

ECFE classes are meant for children and their parent/caregiver.  We have a licensed Parent Educator as well as a lisenced Early Childhood Educator that teach each class session.  Parent discussion is a valuable part of each week's class.  Guided activities are planned for each week.  ECFE is a great place to learn about yourself and your child!  We would love to see you at class!

We will be offering 3 ECFE sessions this year!  

       Fall Classes from September 13 thru November 15  (Registration opens September 3rd)

        Winter Classes from December 6 thru February 7  (Registration opens November 25th)

        Spring Classes from March 7 thru May 9  (Registration opens February 24th)

Weekly ECFE Classes - 8 week session

Birth thru 36 months classes are set up with age-appropriate activities in a safe environment geared towards building skills and confidence.  Smaller age brackets offer parents the opportunity to meet other families with similar aged children.   Classes may be a mix of non-separating and separating from parents.  

36 months - 5 years class - This class is an opportunity to do preschool together with your child! You and your child will explore new activities and play together. Your child will be learning about interacting with others, taking turns and problem solving.  This class will have parent separation with a licensed parent educator to go over parenting topics. 

Classes will meet Fridays on the following dates:

(Check back in September)

Birth thru 36 months 8:30 - 9:30

36 months - 5 yrs 9:45 - 11:15

(Classes may combine due to lack of enrollment)

Check back in September!

Check back in September!

Check back in September!

Am I In?

Yes - we will notify you if the class is full or cancelled.

Cancelled Classes

Rush City Early childhood may cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment one week before classes begin.

ECFE Fee Scale  (Based on one child in class)

Family's Yearly Gross Income 8-week series

$70,000 + $44.00

$50-69,999 $37.00

$30-49,999 $29.00

$20-29,999 $22.00

$10-19,999 $14.00

$0-9,999 $4.00

(Families will not be turned away due to inability to pay.)