Academic & Career Planning

ACP = Academic & Career Planning

What is ACP?

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post-secondary (after high school) success obtained through self-exploration, career exploration and the development of career management and planning skills. Students in our district will take part in a variety of activities that help them discover their strengths and how they can be used after graduation. ACP is not a resume or a portfolio; it is a process of exploration where students can learn more about themselves and post-secondary (after high school) opportunities. 

Having a realistic career plan in place is an essential part of our personal growth and development. Without goals to strive for, students stray from the relevance of education and not be empowered. By providing a variety of engaging activities students will become active participants in their education and have the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding post-secondary career and educational options. As students mature and grow more opportunities are available and students are always allowed to revisit any opportunities.

8th Grade ACP Conferences

Students will engage in an individual ACP conference with their 8th grade counselor to reflect on their middle school career exploration.  The ACP conference is different from parent-teacher conferences.  ACP conferences are held anytime from the beginning of the 8th grade school year in September, until the end of the school year in June.  The length of the conference depends on how many questions the student and family have.

 Additionally, students will gain support for their high school transition by building an understanding of high school opportunities and how they can align to their career pathways. 

What Is XELLO?

Xello is the interactive career exploration program that Racine Unified School District uses to help students plan their own unique journey whether it involves a trade, college, university, entrepreneurship, or other training.  Xello replaced the previously used Career Cruising.

Students better understand themselves, their future career options, and the 21st century skills they’ll need to succeed. Students engage in Xello lessons in their classroom. They are also encouraged to explore on their own.

Parents are encouraged to explore Xello with their children by logging in together. Your child can log in to his or her account via desktop or mobile device to share what they’ve learned about themselves, the world of work, and their future options.

Career Lessons & Exploration

Each year students will complete classroom lessons with their school counselor.  There are no right or wrong answers.  These lessons are to help students learn about themselves and how their interests, likes and dislikes can lead to a potential career or hobby.

6th Grade: School Subjects at Work, Interests, Self-Advocacy

7th Grade: Decision Making, Learning Styles, Time Management, Discover Learning Pathways

8th Grade: Transition to High School


Students will identify their personality and learning styles by answering fun and interactive questions about themselves.

Discovering more about yourself enables you to make choices that contribute toward lifelong happiness.  It's never too late to make a choice that will lead to future happiness!

Personality Styles

Learning Styles