Department of Philosophy


Celebration of Yoga Day

Organized five days’ workshop in association with ‘Ambika Yoga Kutir’ on “YOGA” from 19th June to 23rd June 2017 for students and teachers. Approximately 15 students and 4 teachers actively participated in the workshop.

On the occasion of International Yoga Day 21st June 2016-17,2017-18, 2018-19,2019-20, a separate Yoga session was conducted in a college auditorium for college students. Many students and teachers participated and benefited from this session.

On the occasion of the International Yoga Day, 21st June, 2020, the Department of Philosophy organized a webinar on the topic ‘Yoga for holistic wellbeing amidst the pandemic of Covid-19’ from 8:00 am to 9:30 am. A practical session for yoga was conducted by Ms. Shivani Mane who has completed her masters in yoga shastras. Almost 89 participants attended this session which included students, faculty members and non-teaching staff.

Guest Lectures and Workshops

Open Forum and Student Activities

Organized an Open Forum on 10th August 2019 for students of all faculty where 27 seven students actively participated in the activity. Topics for discussion in forum were as follows:

The department of Philosophy, under the Tattvadarshan Association, the students of first year philosophy class started a club named ‘The Philosophy Cult’ and organized an event “For the live of wisdom” to discuss different branches and misconceptions of philosophy. The first event was conducted on 22nd November 2021 and second event on 8th December 2021 by using the platform of Google meet. The first event was attended by 77 participants and the second event was attended by 45 participants. This event was specially organized by the students and for the students.