Mrs. Jacobs' Assignments
If you would like to visit with me at any time - please either email me at
or call the school to arrange a day and time to visit in person or via Zoom
In order for students to participate in labs, their Lab Safety Contracts need to be read and signed by both the student and parent/guardian.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT - please make sure to check both your Gmail and Google Classroom for daily assignments and instructions.
I would strongly suggest that you utilize a planner or take advantage of Google Calendar, which is already linked to your Classroom assignments, in order to help you keep track of assignments and due dates.
If we have a Virtual Learning day due to weather...
All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom by 11am on the Virtual Learning day.
Student attendance for the class will be based on appropriate completion of the assignment by the due date/time listed in Google Classroom for EACH class. Students who do not complete the Virtual Learning assignment appropriately by that due date/time will be marked "absent".
I will be available for questions during my "office hours" from 11am - 1pm on the Virtual Learning day. You may email me or post a comment/question to the assignment in Google Classroom. If you'd like additional help "face-to-face", please email me and we can set up a time to Zoom.
CURRENT WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS can be found by students in Google Classroom on the "Classwork" tab. Assignments are arranged by week and by date with the most current week at the top of the "Classwork" page. If you have any questions regarding assignments, please first check Google Classroom and reread the instructions provided, then feel free to see me or contact me with any more questions.
A tentative outline for this week's plans can be found below.
Please Note: This weekly schedule is an estimated timeline and may be adjusted in response to student learning needs.Feb 10 - 14
Mon 2/10 - Cell Biology
Tues 2/11 - Cell Biology
Wed 2/12 - Cell Biology
Thurs 2/13 - Cell Biology
Fri 2/14 - Cell Biology
Environmental SCIENCE:
Please Note: This weekly schedule is an estimated timeline and may be adjusted in response to student learning needs.Feb 10 - 14
Mon 2/10 - Aquatic Biomes
Tues 2/11 - Aquatic Biomes
Wed 2/12 - Biomes Test
Thurs 2/13 - Land Use
Fri 2/14 - Land Use
Please Note: This weekly schedule is an estimated timeline and may be adjusted in response to student learning needs.Feb 10 - 14
Mon 2/10 - Ch 10 Special Senses
Tues 2/11 - Ch 10 Special Senses
Wed 2/12 - Ch 10 Special Senses
Thurs 2/13 - Ch 10 Special Senses
Fri 2/14 - Ch 10 Special Senses
Please Note: This weekly schedule is an estimated timeline and may be adjusted in response to student learning needs.Feb 10-14
Mon 2/10 - BIOL 221 ITV class - zero hour
Tues 2/11 - BIOL 221 Lab
Wed 2/12 - BIOL 221 ITV class - zero hour
Thurs 2/13 - BIOL 221 Lab
Fri 2/14 - BIOL 221 ITV class - zero hour
library page:
Please see this link for the RHS library page for online book sources, etc.