General Guidelines for Projects

Each group project involves the following 4 items:

All deadlines will be provided on Brightspace.

1. Progress report

The labs of week 7 are dedicated to supporting your project work. At least two representatives of each group must attend the lab and report their progress to the instructors (e.g. by preparing a couple of slides or printing a 1-page handout). You'll receive feedback and advice on the spot. Here are some ideas for points to discuss in your progress report:

2. Final written report

Complete all sections of the report template and submit the final PDF version through Brightspace. 

Length: between 5 and 8 pages (not counting references and appendices). 

You don’t need to fill in the maximum number of pages to get a good grade. Substance, clarity and conciseness are more important than length. We encourage you to follow the instructions provided in the template, and to focus your writing on clearly discussing/motivating your choices and commenting on results, following the format of a typical research report. 

3. Github repository

Create a GitHub repository with all relevant data & code for the project. Add a link to the repository in the written report. 

Students are encouraged to collaborate using Github to version code, but it is not mandatory (i.e. you can simply upload everything at the end if you prefer). Important: The repository needs to be public by the time the written report is submitted.




To check if everything works as it should: create a new Python virtual environment, install the dependencies and follow along with your own README file. You can ask another student group to test (help each other)!

4. Results presentation

Each team delivers an oral presentation at the Final Project Fair (April 11th, 2024 between 9:00 and 13:00):

Project Grading Sheet

[Subject to change. If needed, changes will be communicated in due time before the deadline]