
Read the submission guidelines carefuly below.

Submission Deadline - January 15, 2023

Types of submissions

A. Full working paper: studies that have been fully carried out and the paper is at the writing stage.

If you have conducted an experiment and would like to receive guidance on how to, for instance report your study and improve its story line, argumentation, address the suitability of the analyses or reporting of the results, we welcome your submission as a full working paper. Please follow these submission guidelines for your working paper:

  • Full working paper - max 40 pages (excl. title page, reference list, figures and tables), Times New Roman font, size 12, double line spacing;

  • Please indicate clearly the goals of the study, the theoretical contribution, methodology, (preliminary) results and brief discussion including the contribution of the paper;

  • On the title page, please indicate clearly the title of the working paper, authors' names and affiliation, and “Full Working Paper”. Additionally, one separate paragraph could be added to the title page in which you mention two key issues that you are facing with this paper and on which you would like to receive feedback during the workshop.

B. Extended Abstract: studies at the methodological design phase.

If you are currently designing a study where you will use experimental design methods and you are seeking guidance on, for instance making sure the design is sound and robust, we welcome your submission as a design stage paper. Please note that you must have a research idea, research question, theoretical contribution, and basic study design for your submission to be considered. To submit your extended abstract, please follow these guidelines:

  • Extended Abstract - max. 6 pages (excl. title page and reference list), Times New Roman font, size 12, double spacing;

  • In the extended abstract, please indicate clearly the goals of the study, the theoretical contribution, and describe the design and methods you are currently considering, in terms of procedures, manipulation (if present) and measures;

  • On the title page, please indicate clearly the title of the research design proposal, authors' names and affiliation, and “Design Stage Paper”. Additionally, one paragraph could be added to the title page in which you mention two key issues that you are facing regarding the proposed study, on which you would like to receive feedback during the workshop.