Call for papers - CLOSED NOW
29-31 October 2025 | House of Connections, Groningen, The Netherlands (on-site)
Notification of Acceptance 15 February 2025
Welcome to the multimodal Multiverse
The field of multimodality is diverse and colourful, with plenty of research methods, approaches, and areas of interest. All share a common interest: meaning and its creation in communicative situations. In Groningen, we want to acknowledge this unity in diversity.
We aim to find and underline a common ground and potential connection points between subfields or areas, build bridges between disciplines, and initiate new connections and collaborations. During our three-day conference, we offer the opportunity to learn from each other’s research and connect during several networking events.
We distinguish no particular areas of interest and invite all disciplines and research fields related to multimodal communication. We particularly encourage proposals on theories, methods, analysis, empirical studies, or the triangulation of results in mixed- and multi-methods environments.
Join us in exploring this Multiverse and its many connections!
How to become a part of 12Icom
Our exploration paths offer four different ways of sharing your idea with us during the conference, click on the format for more information >>>>
a | pITCH
5-minute pitch followed by a 15-min. discussion. This format is suggested for research ideas that you would like to discuss and receive feedback on from leading specialists in the field.
300-word abstract, exc. references | 5 keywords
b | tALK
Up to-20-minute talk followed by a 10-minute discussion. This format is suggested for standard research presentations.
300-word abstract, exc. references | 5 keywords
Poster presentation during one of the several 50-minute poster sessions.
300-word abstract, exc. references | 5 keywords
D | Workshop
Each workshop will be allocated a timeslot of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Workshops could include practical aspects of multimodal, collaborative analysis, or experiments. They should aim at discussion and networking rather than just a series of individual presentations. The organizing committee will give preference to interactive workshops engaging with the audience. The organizers are open to planning it according to their preference – we do not require any particular number of presentations or specific timing for any talks.
300-word abstract, exc. references | 5 keywords | List of speakers
Submission Deadline | 13 December 2024
Review Deadline | 30 January 2025
Acceptance Notification | 15 February 2025
Registration Opens | 1 April 2025
Registration Closes | 15 October 2025
Abstracts for each of the formats above will undergo a double-blind review process. The reviewers will assess the quality of the research, its novelty, significance, and relevance to the broad field of multimodality.
You can submit your abstract via this form. Please do not exceed 300 words (excl. references) and add up to 5 keywords. Note that the form requests you to submit several details depending on the format you choose.
All accepted submissions are required to be presented in person. We are not accepting virtual or pre-recorded presentations. You are encouraged to submit no more than one proposal for an individual presentation and one for the workshop. Please keep in mind that we have limited space and may not be able to accept all submissions or suggest a different format based on your abstract.
To lower the overall fees, we are aiming at securing funding for the conference. Until we know more about this, we plan with a fee of 200,00 € for regular submissions and 100,00 € for PhD and Master students. Costs for conference dinner and extra activities are not included in this fee.
We look forward to meeting you in Groningen - the Dutch capital of the North!
(In the Groningen Multiverse, not the Metaverse)
Organizing committee
Janina Wildfeuer | Alex Lorson | Francesco Possemato | Dimitris Serafis |
Ielka van der Sluis | Kun He | Eedan Amit-Danhi | Maciej Grzenkowicz | Nataliia Laba
Have a question about the conference? Write to the organizing committee at