What is my student's 213 or 214 number?

Your student's 213 or 214 number is the same number as they had last year. If your student is unable to remember it, you may contact the school office, log into Illuminate, or email your child's teacher.

I forgot my student's password, how can I access it?

Students' passwords have been reset to their 8 digit birthdate (MMDDYYYY).

Is the weekly schedule likely to change?

In this ever changing situation we are in right now, it is likely that plans/assignments/activities may change periodically. We ask that you check your child's agenda in Google Classroom daily, check this site frequently, be active in Bloomz messaging for your child's class, and give us grace as we navigate this together to the best of our ability.

How does my child access ZOOM meetings?

Students will access ZOOM through the Clever sign on which is accessible when they log into their school issued Chromebooks. It is also accessible through the Student Portal on the home page of this website. Once logged into Clever there is a ZOOM icon. They will simply click the ZOOM icon for each meeting and it will take them directly to the scheduled meeting.

How does my child log into Google Classroom?

Students will access Google Classroom through the Clever sign on which is accessible when they log into their school issued Chromebooks. It is also accessible through the Student Portal on the home page of this website. Once logged into Clever there is a Google Classroom icon.

How can students access the recorded content?

Recorded content can be found in Google Classroom, which is accessible through the Clever Sign In page.

How can I stay up-to-date with what is happening in my child's classroom?

The best way to stay up-to-date with what is happening in your child's classroom is to check your child's agenda in Google Classroom on a daily basis and be sure to join your child's teacher's Bloomz account. This is where the latest and most up-to-date information will be shared with families.

We are having trouble getting our technology to work from home. How can we get help?

Our IT department technicians are here to help you (& us)! Click to the "Technology Help" tab at the top of this page to be directed to our IT department's link for assistance.

Should I assist my child at home with their work?

The short and sweet answer to this is an abounding YES! While students in fourth grade are technically in the intermediate grades, they are now responsible for navigating an entirely new situation which will require self discipline and diligence. Based upon your family's unique circumstance during this time, you will need to decide how best to help your child.

If you are home during the day while they are attending school hours, check in with them frequently to ensure they are on track and not experiencing any difficulties.

If you are not able to be home with them during their school hours, sit down with them daily and ask them to share with you what they did today, what they learned today, what they struggled with today, and what they are excited about.

Working together to help your child reach their maximum potential - even in the midst of a pandemic - is attainable when we are all united toward a common goal.

Is my student able to check out library books from the Patriot school library?

Yes! Please see the attached information sheet from our librarian, Mrs. Schaefer to learn how to hold library books and when to pick them up.