RU PG 3MT 2022

Your research inspires us.

Your research contributes to knowledge.

Tell us all about it in just 3 minutes.

Competition closes Wednesday 5 October 2022

Enter competition here.

Look through this website to find out about the rules, prizes, and to get inspiration. 

Win prizes, 

explore new ideas, 

build your CV

The judges' decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. If prizewinners win in more than one category, they will be selected for the prize with the most value only and will not win in two categories. 

Prize-winners will be contacted to arrange collection of their prizes. 

PnP Vouchers can be used an any Pick 'n Pay shop countrywide. 

All queries to 

Loads of prizes!

Spot prizes for participation

Prizes for the most entertaining presentations

Prizes for the clearest presentations

Prizes for the most convincing presentations

Prizes for the most-liked videos once uploaded to YouTube channel

And lots more!

Prizes include:


R1000 Data vouchers

R1000 PnP vouchers

R500 PnP vouchers

Rhodes University hoodies

Rhodes University T-shirts

And lots more...