RTS Parents' Newsletter 16 October 2020

Head Teacher's Message

With the Government's decision on Thursday 16 October to move London to Tier 2 - High, it is a sobering reminder of the reality of the world that we are currently living in. This is not a short-term situation and as a school we must continue to adapt and change when and where necessary. The Parent Forum was a timely introduction of the school's COVID Contingency Plan - I urge you to please engage with the information that we have shared with you.

The DfE has confirmed that in areas at Local COVID Alert Level High, the DfE expects that education and childcare providers will normally remain open for all students, with the additional expectation that face coverings should be worn by adults and students when moving around the school, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas, where social distancing cannot easily be maintained. At RTS the compulsory wearing of face coverings by students and staff around school will therefore continue, unless there is a medical reason why your child should be exempt. If this is the case please contact your child's Head of Year via the appropriate year group email, with the email clearly marked with the member of staff's name (eg. Year7@rts.richmond.sch.uk, FAO: Mr Jones - Face covering).

A reminder that the school will close early on Wednesday 21 October for the Year 10 Subject Teacher Consultations (held remotely). Years 7 and 9 will finish at 14:45 and Years 8 and 10 at 15:00.

We will finish at the usual time on Friday 23 October (13:45/14:00) for the Half-Term break, returning on Monday 09 November (08:20/08:35). Don't forget to check the 2020-2021 Term Dates on RTS Website - Students - Term Dates. The website should be your first stop in finding out information or answers to your questions about the school. It is not just for prospective parents, it is very much a live communication tool that we update weekly, sometimes daily, with information about life in the school.

Ms K Dooley

The RTS Way in action

Another wonderful testimonial this week. A member of the public called during the week to say that the Uber that she was travelling in knocked a boy off his bike.

This accident was witnessed by one of our students, and the member of the public reported him as being amazing. 'He supported the boy, was so kind, polite and helpful; and then walked the mangled bike to his house.'

Apparently he was very modest about what he did but she commented that he was a total credit to himself, his parents and the school. Well done to Alex N. in Year 10 for this exceptional behaviour - you will receive a Head Teacher's Award.

Parent Forum

Thank you to those parents/carers who were able to join us at our Parent Forum on Wednesday 14 October. The topic was the school's COVID-19 contingency plan followed by a question and answer session. For those who were unable to attend, you can view the presentation and also read the Q&A document on the website.

COVID-19 Update

The government has announced that London will move into Tier 2 – high alert level – of COVID-19 restrictions on Saturday 17 October. Hear from Cllr Gareth Roberts as he outlines the new restrictions.

School Street

We are now in the second week of the scheme and would like to remind parents that the overall aim of the scheme is to reduce car movements in the area around school. The timings of the scheme may be extended as it has been observed that some parents are arriving early, before the barriers have been erected, and are parking across residents' drives.

Food Orders

We are continuing to use the Food Order Form in Students' Classroom Year Notices. Aspens are looking at changing the menu for after the half-term break.

Please note that if your child has ordered a meal and is then off school unwell that day, that it is your responsibility to cancel the food order; otherwise you will be charged for the meal by Aspens. When calling the Absence line, or emailing attendance@rts.richmond.sch.uk, please state clearly if you wish your child's food order to be cancelled that day and we will inform Aspens on your behalf.

French Update

Our Year 7 students are settling in extremely well and have started the year with great enthusiasm learning French. A number of students carry on practising their French greeting vocabulary outside the classroom, in corridors and in the playground. They are thoroughly enjoying the classroom activities, especially Socrative and Quizlet live team competitions.

Here are some examples of the students’ comments on Google classroom after a French lesson.

Kristian (7BL): “I am pretty confident counting to 21, my confidence has grown a lot and I keep forgetting the number 15 and a way I will remember it is by doing it over and over again”.

Zachary (7AN): “Wow that game was fun!

Elizabeth (7AN): “Bonjour! In French, I really enjoyed learning the alphabet and how to say what my name is.

Arbor Details

Please ensure your contact details, medical information for your child, and any other missing information is up to date on Arbor. This ensures we can discharge our duty of care for your son or daughter. All changes must come to us via the Arbor app as this provides an audit trail for changes; as well as secure transfer of sensitive personal information. If you have any issues logging onto Arbor, please email the School Office via info@rts.richmond.sch.uk and in the subject line: FAO: RTS IT - Arbor.


A gentle reminder please to send in absence emails into school via attendance@rts.richmond.sch.uk and not the main School Office email address. If you are calling to report your child unwell, please call the School Office on 020 8891 2985 and select Option 1, to leave a clear message stating your child's name, year group and reason for absence.

Medical Appointments

Medical appointments should be arranged outside of the school day. However, where this is not possible please ensure that, depending on the time of the appointment, you send your child into school before and after the appointment. For safeguarding purposes it is important that staff know whether a student is being collected from school or whether they are permitted to leave school by themselves to attend the appointment. Please send details of the appointment and copies of any relevant letters to attendance@rts.richmond.sch.uk.

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Safer Cycling

Whilst we are keen to promote and encourage cycling to school, we are aware that some Year 7 students may not have been taught their safe-cycling skills in Year 6, particularly if they missed out due to lockdown. A local company called 'Pedal Up' are organising safe-cycling sessions over the Half-Term - please see the flyer.

Hammersmith Bridge

Since the closure of Hammersmith Bridge has been extended to pedestrians and cyclists, some pupils may now travel to/from school via the towpath. The council engineering team are looking to provide marshals on the towpath to increase safety in the afternoons when schools close, after the clocks turn back.

They will be doing a survey of how many people use the tow path and the proportion of children using it for school travel. This will help inform them of the level of upgrade necessary. If any families use this tow path, please can you let the School Office know via info@rts.richmond.ch.uk.

ZooNation Dance workshop

ZooNation are coming to PowerStation Youth Centre, Mortlake to offer young people aged 11-18 a three day dance workshop, 11am-4pm, Wednesday 28-Friday 30 October. Young people must attend all three days. Booking on Eventbrite here.

For more information contact Danielle Hutchinson on 07864 615077 or at danielle.hutchinson@achievingforchildren.org.uk

Richmond Lit Fest: 1-27 Nov 2020

Join in this autumn for a festival of books and words, tales, talks and ideas taking place in venues across the borough.

The festival has an exciting programme for adults and children. Highlights include:

  • Two of the most talked about voices in contemporary YA fiction - Alice Oseman & Lauren E James

  • Dr Pragya Agarwal unravels unconscious bias in her latest book Sway

  • Kadiatu Kanneh-Mason talks about raising classical musicians the Kanneh-Masons in House of Music

For full details of the programme and to purchase tickets, visit the website: www.richmondliterature.com

For the latest news follow on Twitter @richmondlitfest #RichLitFest

Parents' Calendar