RTS Parents' Newsletter 13 November 2020

Head Teacher's Message

It has been a busy and challenging start to the second half of the Autumn Term. Thank you to Year 7 parents/carers who were able to join us (remotely) for their first Parent/Tutor consultation evening. We hope that you found the conversations and feedback useful.

Next week, on Wednesday 18 November, we will host the Year 8 Parent and Tutor Consultation Evening (Remote). School will close at 14.45 for Years 7 & 9 and 15.00 for Years 8 & 10.

Following on from my additional letter to you all earlier this week, I can confirm that the Term Dates for this academic year will be as follows:

  • Last day of Autumn term for students: Friday 18 December 2020 (as per calendar)

  • First day of Spring term for students: Tuesday 05 January 2021 (amended)

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021 (amended)

Thank you to all who were able to support the BBC Children in Need event today - we hope to be able to share a total with you next week.

Ms K Dooley

RTS Art Gallery

We are delighted to share some wonderful artwork with you from Year 10 this week.

These are oil pastel 'Artist Research' responses, based on Françoise Nielly.

PE/Games Kit

A gentle reminder please: As per our uniform section in the newsletter of 02 10 2020, leggings are not part of the official RTS PE/Games kit. Students must be wearing shorts or tracksuit bottoms.

If students wish to wear thermal leggings as an added layer of warmth during the winter months, they must be worn underneath shorts or tracksuit bottoms.

Remembrance Day

Assemblies during the week focused on Armistice Day and on Wednesday 11 November, students and staff joined together in a two minute silence in an act of Remembrance for Armistice Day.

Oxbridge Presentation

On Wednesday 18 November a speaker from Oriel College at Oxford University will be talking to Year 10 students about applying to Oxbridge (either Oxford or Cambridge) and other Russell Group universities. This talk will be delivered remotely during the enrichment period from 14:00-15:00. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to find out more about the options available should they decide to pursue them, and give an insight into how best to prepare a competitive application for these world-class universities.

Road Safety Week

During tutor time next week students will be discussing road safety and safe cycling in conjunction with Road Safety Week. We have been concerned by the number of calls and emails that we have received from members of the public in regard to the behaviour of some of our students whilst riding bicycles to and from school. Dangerous cycling not only endangers the cyclist, but also pedestrians and other road users.

Online safety

Parents are asked to remind their children about online safety and especially acceptable use at all times. Students must agree to a set of rules and these focus on being safe, responsible, respectful and productive when using technology at RTS. The subject will be discussed during assemblies next week, where the focus is British Values. Students will have an opportunity to discuss this further with their tutors during tutor time.

FoRTS News

FoRTS Newsletter 20201112.pdf

Travelling to and from school

South Western Railway have sent an email into school and would like to thank parents/carers, whose children travel by train to school, for their support in following the travelling by train guidelines regarding face coverings, social distancing, hand washing and listening to instructions from railway staff. We are sharing again the original Back to School guidance sent by SWR in August.

SWR Back to school guidance.pdf

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Free Online Cycle Skills Courses Available

To help teachers, parents and students travel more safely, TfL offer a free online course for both experienced and new cyclists. The Cycle Skills course covers everything from getting your bike set up for your first ride to tips for cycling safely in London. Of particular interest is the ‘Cycling with Children’ module, which is great for teachers and parents looking for active travel options for the school run. The courses can be found at https://www.richmond.gov.uk/services/roads_and_transport/road_safety/cycling_training/online_cycle_skills_course. TfL has partnered with Halfords and anyone who completes these modules receives a 15% discount code to use on Halfords own-brand cycle lights, locks and helmets.

COVID & School

Please find below a leaflet created by AFC for parents who are nervous about the COVID risks of their children coming back into the home after being in school.

Richmond Lit Fest: 1-27 Nov 2020

Join in this autumn for a festival of books and words, tales, talks and ideas taking place in venues across the borough.

The festival has an exciting programme for adults and children. Highlights include:

  • Two of the most talked about voices in contemporary YA fiction - Alice Oseman & Lauren E James

  • Dr Pragya Agarwal unravels unconscious bias in her latest book Sway

  • Kadiatu Kanneh-Mason talks about raising classical musicians the Kanneh-Masons in House of Music

For full details of the programme and to purchase tickets, visit the website: www.richmondliterature.com

For the latest news follow on Twitter @richmondlitfest #RichLitFest

Parents' Calendar