Head Teacher's Letter - 06 November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that you all enjoyed a pleasant break.

We look forward to welcoming all students back on Monday 09 November. Years 7 & 9 will continue to start at 08:20 and Years 8 & 10 at 08:35. A reminder please that students should arrive no more than 5 minutes before their allocated start time.

In our first week back we look forward to our Year 7 Parent and Tutor Consultation Evening (Remote). This takes place on Wednesday 11 November 2020. School will close at 14.45 for Years 7 & 9 and 15.00 for Years 8 & 10.

Looking further ahead, we will be hosting our Year 8 Parent and Tutor Consultation Evening (Remote) on Wednesday 18 November 2020. School will close at 14.45 for Years 7 & 9 and 15.00 for Years 8 & 10

I appreciate that there is a lot of information in this letter, but it is vitally important that you read these updates as there are some important changes that are effective immediately.

Ms K Dooley

Coronavirus Update

Unfortunately, as of Thursday 05 November, in response to rising coronavirus infections, national restrictions apply in England until 02 December 2020.

This means:

  • we cannot meet socially with anyone indoors unless they are in our support bubble

  • there are changes to how many people we can meet outside

  • you must not travel in the UK or overseas, unless for a specific reason, such as school, work or a caring responsibility

  • clinically extremely vulnerable students and staff should stay at home, except for exercise or essential health appointments.

In response, we have updated the preventative actions we are taking in school.

Face Coverings

In line with Government guidance, we have reviewed our measures to minimise the spread of the virus within our school community. As a result, from Monday 09 November, while the country is under national restrictions, all students and staff must wear face coverings in the school building, including in classrooms. This decision will be reviewed in four weeks.

Wearing face coverings inside the building could reduce the numbers of students and staff potentially being identified as ‘close contacts’ of a positive case (student or staff). This should dramatically reduce the number of students and staff who need to be sent home to self-isolate. I know this isn’t ideal but I do believe this approach would reduce potential disruptions to learning.

Exemption from wearing a face covering

Your child may be exempt from wearing face coverings. This applies to those who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment or disability. If you believe your child is exempt, please complete this form as soon as possible and no later than 15:00 on Monday 09 November. You will be contacted by a member of the Student Wellbeing Team to clarify your child’s exemption.


The government revised their guidance on ‘ventilation’ and its importance in reducing the spread of viruses. We invested heavily over the summer holiday on ensuring all doors could be kept open safely whilst maintaining fire safety standards. Therefore we are able to ensure all occupied rooms have doors and windows open at all times.

As we enter the colder months we need to balance the need for increased ventilation whilst maintaining a comfortable temperature. The following will help to maintain a comfortable temperature:

  • Layering with an undergarment

  • Wearing the school PE mid-layer under blazers

Clinically extremely vulnerable students

If your child’s doctor has confirmed they are clinically extremely vulnerable, they are advised not to attend school whilst the national restrictions are in place. Remote education will be available via Google Classroom.

If your child lives with someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable, but they are not clinically extremely vulnerable themselves, they must still attend school.

Clinically extremely vulnerable staff

Staff who are clinically extremely vulnerable have been advised to work from home and not to come into school. This means there may be occasions when your child’s lessons are taught remotely using Google Classroom while your child is in school. In situations where teachers are required to work from home, a member of staff will supervise your child in their physical classroom. Other school staff may need to work remotely for the same reasons. We will endeavour to effectively balance continuity of education with supporting staff who are medically vulnerable. I would also ask for your continued support and understanding by not asking why individual school staff are working from home.

All other staff will continue to attend work, including those living in a household with someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable.

Clinically vulnerable students

Students who are clinically vulnerable, or have underlying health conditions but are not clinically extremely vulnerable, must continue to attend school as normal.

Food Orders

Finally, the lunch and break time menus have been updated. You can find them here on the website: RTS - Parents - School Day - Meals - Menus. The order form has already been shared with students via their Year Notices Google Classroom and it can be found both under 'Stream' and also under ‘Classwork’ and then as a topic on the left hand side - ‘Food Order’. The form can only be accessed via Google Classroom as it links directly to the student’s RTS email address and ID for tracking and charging purposes. The deadline for pre-ordering food for the week ahead is 09:00 Monday 09 November.