RTS Parents' Newsletter 08 January 2021

Head Teacher's Message

I hope that you had a restful Christmas break and although this is not the New Year that we had hoped for, I do believe that we will see brighter days, weeks and months coming. Once again, I and the staff thank you for your support and understanding as plans had to be changed, sometimes with less than 12 hours notice. The students have been remarkable in their aptitude and engagement with remote learning this week and we are so proud of them.

We talk a lot about the RTS Way and our Haka and I would encourage you to ask your children about what this means to them. It is a positive growth mindset that is applicable now more than ever. Encourage them to believe in their power of effort, to be an active participator, and to be ready to learn. Attending their remote lessons is so important, not just from an educational perspective, but from a social and wellbeing one. Being able to communicate with their school friends and teachers is an essential part of school life and one that cannot be underestimated during the next few weeks. Just as important is grabbing those breaks during the day to step away from their devices and step outside. Whilst the weather is kind to us, going for a walk, cycle or run (in line with all social distancing and lockdown guidelines) is beneficial to recharge and reset their minds.

Please continue to stay safe.

Ms K Dooley

RTS Art Gallery

Year 7 kicked off their remote art lessons on Tuesday by creating faces from objects at home.

Student Asymptomatic Testing Update

Students working remotely

Further to our email on 02 January 2021, we can confirm that due to the current lockdown restrictions, the mass student COVID-19 testing programme will be paused for students that are working remotely at home. We will resume testing when we have received updated guidance and the greenlight from the DfE and Public Health England.

Students and staff on site

For those students who are attending our on site provision, we will commence the testing programme next week (beginning 11 January). We are also continuing with our staff testing programme.

All students

In order that we can proceed efficiently and effectively with the testing programme can you ensure that you have completed the consent form that was sent to all families on 02 January 2021.

Public Health England would also like to record student's NHS numbers at the time of testing to ensure accuracy of identification. This information can be entered into the Medical section of your child's Arbor profile.

Staff have been fully trained and have we received all the testing resources by the government.

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • First day of Spring term for students: Tuesday 05 January 2021 (remote learning until Friday 12 February)

  • Spring Half-Term break: 15-19 February 2021

  • Easter break: 01-16 April 2021

  • Summer Half-Term break: 31 May-04 June 2021

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Help build your children's mental resilience with free workshops from Richmond Borough Mind

Life during this pandemic keeps on changing. We are now back in full lockdown with all the adverse effects to mental health that this can bring.

To help parents be prepared for any negative mental health effects that their children may suffer, Richmond Borough Mind have been running zoom workshops with parents across the borough and will be running the last two next week.

Parents Workshop 1 – Mental Health Awareness for Parents - Monday 11 January at 7pm


As a parent we often find ourselves ill-equipped when it comes to dealing with, or even being aware of, our child's or young person's mental wellbeing. In order to help them, we first need an understanding ourselves of what we mean by mental health. Second, the tools to help our young person with any emotional difficulties. The first of these two workshops are designed with this in mind and will help you to support your child or young person.

In this first workshop you will learn more about mental health and recognise the symptoms of mental health issues in children.

Parents Workshop 2 - Managing mental health difficulties in children - Wednesday 13 January at 7pm


In this second workshop we look in more depth at the types of mental health difficulties that can effect your child or teenager. We also look at the available tools to help our young person with any emotional difficulties. This second workshop will also help you improve communication with your child and support them to build their own mental health resilience.

As well as these two workshops for parents, we can also offer specialist courses and services for any child that is finding this time particularly difficult:

The Reach programme for 14-18 year olds that offers three stand-alone, six week courses that include:

  • Anger management

  • Anxiety management

  • Low mood and self-esteem

Peer mentoring offers young people aged 11-18 up to eight sessions with a trained volunteer to support them with short term goals and help reduce low levels of anxiety or feelings of loneliness.

For more information or to book any of these workshops or services please email: youth.service@rbmind.org or click through to the website.

Children and the EU Settled Status scheme

All EU children and non-EU children who are family members of an EU national need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021 to retain their right to live and study in the UK. Please note that:

  • Children are not granted Settled Status automatically even if the parent(s) have already applied

  • Children born in the UK are not automatically British: it depends on when they were born and their parents' circumstances

  • Those who do not apply by the deadline may become unlawful residents: this may affect their access to education in the next school year

Citizens Advice in Richmond can advise on making applications to the scheme to anyone who lives, works, studies or cares for someone in their boroughs. Their service is free, confidential and impartial. Freephone: 080 82 78 78 73 (open 10-4, Monday - Friday); or by email.

Parents' Calendar